National Housing Enterprise Vacancies

National Housing Enterprise Vacancies

About the NHE

The National Housing Enterprise (NHE) is a state-owned company of the Government of the Republic of Namibia under the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development Its accountability to the Ministry of Regional and Local Government, Housing and Rural Development was formalised by the NHE Act of 1993 (Act No 5 of 1993) as amended.
NHE derives its mandate from NHE Act No 5 of 1993. NHE strives to promote home-ownership by being a customer-driven institution that provides housing solutions in order to alleviate the national housing need.
NHE core business is providing housing needs to low and middle income inhabitants of Namibia and financing of housing for such inhabitants.
This involves:
– Land acquisition from Local Authorities/Municipalities and Town Councils
– Housing construction
– Provision of housing loans
The Government of the Republic of Namibia is the sole shareholder of NHE.
Shareholder Representation
The current Minister of Urban and Rural Development Honourable Sophia Shaningwa is the representative of the shareholder. Corporate Governance Statement The Board of Directors takes cognizance of the King II Report on corporate governance; therefore, the NHE is committed to the principles of good corporate governance. The Board of Directors recognizes the need to conduct the business of NHE in accordance with the NHE Act, Act No. 5 of 1993, as well as generally accepted accounting practices

Vision / Mission

To provide and finance affordable housing to low and medium income households as well as facilitating the partnering of stakeholders.
Affordable housing for every Namibian by 2030


National Housing Enterprise, 7 General Murtala Muhammed Ave PO Box 20192,Eros, Windhoek
+264 (61) 292 7111
+264 (61) 222 941

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