Construction Education and Training Authority CETA Bursaries 2024-2025

Construction Education and Training Authority CETA Bursaries 2018 / 2019

The Construction Education and Training Authority, known as CETA, promotes as well as facilitates the development of bright individuals by providing bursaries so they can acquire skills in the Construction sector.

Their bursaries will cover the following for deserving candidates:

  • Tuition fee
  • Books prescribed for their field of study in addition to course material required up to an amount of R3500 per year

Bursaries are there to aid exceptional students reach their goals, although, scarce and critical skills applied for will get preference.

Accommodation needs will be considered only under specific conditions.  The bursary will not be automatically renewed for following year; it will depend on the progress of each candidate according to standards of satisfaction.  If a candidate should have to repeat a year of study, they will do so on their own cost and may apply to have their bursary reinstated the following year if progress is satisfactory.  Payment of bursary will be done to the institute of higher learning directly by the CETA Administrator.

Once a candidate has completed their studies successfully they will be required to work for a South African Construction company based in South Africa.  The term of employment will be equal to the term of their bursary.  Candidates will also be required to supply CETA with confirmation of that employment on a yearly basis.

SEE ALSO:  List of NSFAS and NYDA Offices in Johannesburg

If a candidate after completion of their study takes work with a company other than provided by CETA as an Adoptive Company, candidates will be required to pay back to CETA all costs of the bursary plus interest, as determined by CETA.

If after completion of studies CETA or any of their Adoptive Companies cannot provide the candidate with work in an 18 months period, candidates will be released of any further obligation towards the bursary.


The following fields of study are available for students.

Candidates studying or going to study at a University for a Degree qualification can follow these fields:

  • BSc Civil Engineering
  • BSc Quantity Surveying
  • BSc Land Surveying
  • BSc Construction Management
  • BSc Construction Economics
  • BSc Construction Studies
  • BSc Architecture
  • BSc Geometrics
  • BSc Surveying
  • BSc Urban and Regional Planning

Candidates studying or going to study at the University of Technology for a National Diploma / BTech Degree can follow these fields:

  • National Diploma Civil Engineering
  • National Diploma Quantity Surveying
  • Diploma Land Surveying
  • National Diploma Building
  • National Diploma Architecture
  • National Diploma Town and Regional Planning
  • National Diploma: Real Estate
  • Bachelor of Technician: B. Tech for Architecture, Construction Management or Civil Engineering, BSC Town and Regional Planning Quantity Surveying
SEE ALSO:  Sedibeng FET College NSFAS Application Status

Subjects that are not allowed by CETA are as follow:

  • Chemical
  • Metallurgical
  • Electrical
  • Computer
  • Mining Engineering


To qualify for a bursary, candidates will be required to have and produce the following documentation:

  • Candidates must be a South African citizen with a valid ID book / card.
  • Candidates must be between the ages of 16 and 36 to qualify.
  • Candidates must obtain a 60% symbol for Science.
  • Candidates must obtain a 60% symbol for Mathematics.
  • Candidates must produce both Grade 11 as well as Grade 12 results for Matriculates.
  • Candidates who are already studying at a higher institute of learning must provide full academic history with their June & November results.


The selection of candidates for bursaries will depend on the following; applicants are also required to have the following before applying:

  • Candidates must prove their need for financial aid.
  • Applications are for the following year and candidates must be able to start studying if they are awarded the bursary.
  • Candidates must pass a standard aptitude test if the company requires them to do so.
  • Candidate must provide a medical declaration.
  • Candidate must provide proof of registration or acceptance at an institute of higher learning for Matriculates.

Once applications close the Department will look at all applications and candidates as well as all the relevant information provided.  Partially completed applications or application without required documentation will not be considered.  They will then make their selection for bursary candidates upon the information they received from each candidate.

SEE ALSO:  Afrimat: Mechanical Engineering Bursary / Scholarship 2017


Bursaries online applications cannot be done, but you can download an application form here once they become available. Please read their Bursary Policy guidelines as well.  Complete your form and send it with required documentation to the following address:

P.O. Box 1955

Halfway House




Completed forms can also be faxed to 011 265 5924 / 5.

Email is also accepted, send to: or


Closing date for application entries are the end of August each year, thus, students wanting to apply must make sure that the application form and all relevant documentation reaches CETA before August.

There are a number of scarce as well as critical skills needed within the construction industry so candidates wanting to follow this line of work is urged to apply today.  CETA invests in the future of not only the youth of South Africa but also the future of the land.  They play a key role in the construction sector and aid citizens to see the value of the industry within the country.

 Learnerships : Bursaries :

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