CIME Fellowship Programs

CIME Fellowship Programs

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The Center for International Media Ethics CIME is a non-profit organization bringing together a network of media professionals throughout the world to provide training, discussion and expertise in the ethics of their profession.
Our driving emphasis is that media professionals take responsibility in shaping society.
After the success of the 2012 CIME Fellowship programme, we are looking for media professionals for the next round of the Fellowship from anywhere in the world.
Ideal candidates should be interested in the ethical aspects of journalism and eager to deepen their knowledge about media ethics through involvement with CIME’s activities.
This online Fellowship programme does not require relocation or frequent travel; it is an ideal extracurricular activity besides work with a flexible schedule and activities offered through the internet.
Ideal CIME Fellow profile

  • Minimum 3 years of professional experience related to journalism/media
  • Strong interest in media ethics
  • Proven track record of commitment to ethical issues in journalism (2 brief essays (800 words maximum) on addressing ethical issues of the media, attached to the application)
  • Fluent in English, both oral and written; other languages are an asset
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Computer literacy, with good working knowledge of word processing, e-mail and internet applications.
  • Must own computer and permanent access to internet (this is an entirely online Fellowship)Fellowship activities
  • Conduct small and medium scale in-depth research activities in the domain of media ethics in their chosen region (preferably in their country of residence) coordinated by an assigned mentor from CIME
  • Present the research findings at the end of the fellowship as publication and/or presentation
  • Organise at least one CIME event locally, preferably the 3rd International Media Ethics Day in Sept 2013
  • Undertake the instruction of J-Ethinomics online training depending on course needs and the fellow’s availability
  • Represent CIME at upcoming events, workshops, conferencesFellowship outcomes
  • CIME will assign a mentor to each Fellow who will give guidance for the research and assist with the Fellow’s professional development in the field of ethical journalism
  • A CIME publication will feature the research findings of each Fellow, in addition to selected excerpts of Fellowship work published in the monthly CIME newsletter
  • Direct and long-lasting access to CIME’s broad network of media organisations and professionals
  • Working knowledge of the J-Ethinomics concept (the relation between Journalism, Ethics and Economics), including first-hand participation in expanding the J-Ethinomics concept and the related training material
  • Opportunities for participating in international conferences and events on behalf of CIME and contributing to local media development initiatives having requested CIME’s expertiseRecommended research areas
    Fellows shall choose one of the following topics and research should be carried out focusing on the chosen specific topic in their geographical region. Nevertheless, different subjects might be accepted if Fellows have a clear idea of what they want to research.
  • The impact of modern technology and internet on journalism ethics
  • Media ethics in times of crises
  • Ethics in business models for the mediaPillars of the Fellowship programme
    CIME Fellows will gain thorough skills in the following domains as part of their fellowship programme:
  • J-Ethinomics – Journalism, Ethics and Economics
  • Legal issues of journalism
  • Media ethics in a digital era
  • Conducting quality research
  • Public speaking on contemporary media ethics
  • Advanced level English writing (style and comprehensiveness)Terms of fellowship
  • Duration: 1 year (January – December 2013)
  • Flexible, part-time involvement adjusted according to the availability of Fellows and CIME activities
  • Home-based position with internet-based communication
  • The Fellowship does not include financial benefits or support from CIME neither requires any fees from participants of the programmeHow to apply
  • Send professional CV and motivation letter detailing your research plans to . General motivation letters will not be accepted.
  • 2 short essays about media ethics (max 800 words each) are required to accompany applications. If already published, please include reference where.
  • Please include two professional references with contact details (work or university contacts, supervisors)Application deadline 28 October
    Application sent later will not be considered.
    CIME aims to ensure that no applicant or Fellow receives less favourable treatment on the ground of race, colour, nationality, religion, ethnic or national origins, age, gender, marital status, caring responsibilities, sexual orientation, disability or chronic illness.

For more information and application, see; CIME Fellowship Programs