20 STeDe Master Erasmus+Scholarships for Non-EU and EU Students, 2018

20 STeDe Master Erasmus+Scholarships for Non-EU and EU Students, 2018

Applications are invited for the all-new call i.e. STeDe Master Scholarships open to non-EU and EU starting in September 2018. Around 20 scholarships will be awarded in the context of this selection.
STeDe aims to create experts in the area of sustainable territorial development. We train researchers and professionals to be able to help organizations acting in the territory (enterprises, local communities, civil society organizations) to draft sustainable development policies for economic, social, environmental, international and intercultural management.
“The EMJMD in Sustainable Territorial Development is STEDE is offered by a Consortium of top-ranked Universities and outstanding professional partners with complementary expertise in the field of Sustainable Territorial Development.

Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Master degree programme.
Study Subject: This programme offers students a leading education in the field of sustainable territorial development.
Scholarship Award: Erasmus+ Scholarships amount to 24,000 Euros for the whole study programme (Monthly allowance).
In addition, support for the travel and installation is provided according to the candidates’ category (EU or non-EU students).
In addition, support for the travel and installation is provided according to the candidates’ category (EU or non-EU students).
Number of Scholarships: Every year about 20 scholarships are expected to be available for non-EU and EU students.
Scholarship can be taken in STeDe offer students Master Degree course (120 ECTS credits) in two academic years. All our course units and educational activities are offered in the seven participating universities through a specific mobility scheme for the students: each participant will study in at least 3 different countries

1st Semester Università di Padova (Italy)
2nd Semester K.U. Leuven (Belgium)
3rd Semester Université Paris 1Panthéon-Sorbonne (France)
4th Semester Non-EU students: in one of the 3 European universitiesEU students: Universidade Catolica Dom Bosco (Brazil) or Université de Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) or University of Johannesburg (South Africa)
SEE ALSO:  African Climate Change Fellowship Program

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the scholarship:
STeDe Master Course is open to non-EU and EU candidates.
We welcome students with:

  • Bachelor degree or equivalent (min. 180 ECTS, 3 years of study)
  • A good command of English and French, both spoken and written
  • A strong motivation and personal interest in sustainable development

Nationality:  Scholarships are available to non-EU and EU candidates.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Students must have Bachelor degree or equivalent (min. 180 ECTS, 3 years of study).
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have a good command of English and French, both spoken and written.
Masters Scholarships
How to Apply: The mode of application is online.
Application Form
Application Deadline: Submissions are due by January 31, 2018.
See Also
International Scholarships for Namibians to Study Abroad
Admissions for Universities in Namibia
Prospectus for Universities in Namibia
Application Forms for Universities in Namibia
Bursaries for Namibians and International Students
Internships for Namibians and International Students

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