Yetu Pharmacy Namibia Job Vacancies 2024-2025

Yetu Pharmacy Namibia Job Vacancies 2024-2025

Yetu Pharmacy Namibia Job Vacancies

About Us

Yetu Pharmacy was established in 2017.

We are ideally situated opposite the Intermediate Hospital Oshakati (next to Shoprite), in the Yetu Complex on Sam Nujoma Road, Oshakati.

At Yetu Pharmacy, our expertise enables us to work with each individual patient and provider to offer the best health-care solutions and outcomes.

One of our main roles as a Community Pharmacy is to provide in-person advice on health-related issues.

SEE ALSO:  EMed Namibia Vacancies 2024-2025

You are welcome to talk to our pharmacists about your concerns and you normally do not need to make an appointment for this free service.

Contact Us

Tel: +264 65 226 231

Fax: +264 65 227 043

Cell: +264 81 753 7056


Physical Address: Yetu Complex (next to Shoprite), Sam Nujoma Road, Oshakati, Oshana Region, Namibia

Postal Address: PO Box 864, Oshakati, Oshana Region, Namibia


Apply for current vacant job positions here

6 thoughts on “Yetu Pharmacy Namibia Job Vacancies 2024-2025”

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  2. I’m a 28 year old girl and am a hardworking person willing to work with new people please I need a job please

  3. I’m a 20 year old boy and am a hardworking person willing to work with new people i hold a certificate and am interested pls email me on or contact me on 0814482503


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