UNAM Faculty of Education Prospectus 2024-2025

UNAM Faculty of Education Prospectus 2024-2025

University of Namibia Faculty of Education Prospectus

UNAM Faculty of Education Prospectus 2024-2025

Thе University of Namibia UNAM Prоѕресtuѕ іѕ whаt you nееd tо ascertain аnу аdmіѕѕіоn оr application information оf the іnѕtіtutіоn. The Prоѕресtuѕ соntаіnѕ аll thе іnfоrmаtіоn a рrоѕресtіvе ѕtudеnt nееdѕ to become a fullу admitted ѕtudеnt оf thе Unіvеrѕіtу. University of Namibia UNAM Faculty of Education Prospectus 2024-2025

Click on the link below to download Faculty of Education Prospectus in PDF or view online: University of Namibia UNAM Faculty of Education Prospectus 2024-2025


University of Namibia UNAM Undergraduate Faculty of Education Prospectus 2024-2025 Download PDF
University of Namibia UNAM Postgraduate Faculty of Education Prospectus 2024-2025 Download PDF 
University of Namibia UNAM International Faculty of Education Prospectus 2024-2025 Download PDF 
University of Namibia UNAM Official Website  www.unam.edu.na
SEE ALSO:  UNAM Admission Requirements for Masters Degrees

COMMIT TO YOUR STUDIES: University of Namibia UNAM Faculty of Education Prospectus 2024-2025

You have already made the decision to study. You may have been thinking about studying for a long time, and this opportunity means a lot to your career and personal development. Whether you are a new student, or a returning student, you need to take some time to think about how you will commit yourself throughout this process and what you need to put in place to focus on your studies. The following questions may help you to affirm (or re-affirm) your commitment to your studies: University of Namibia UNAM Faculty of Education Prospectus 2024-2025

SEE ALSO:  University of Namibia UNAM Online Application 2019

See Also:

2024-2025 UNAM University of Namibia Prospectus

Polytechnic of Namibia Prospectus

Namibia University of Science and Technology Prospectus (NUST )

Southern Business School Namibia Prospectus

International University of Management Namibia Prospectus

The University Center for Studies in Namibia ( TUCSIN Namibia )  Prospectus

Business School of Excellence Namibia Prospectus

Namibia Institute of Mining and Technology Prospectus

Namibia Institute of Architecture (NIA) Prospectus

Headstart Mercy Montessori Teachers Training College Prospectus

Namibia Evangelical Theological Seminary Prospectus

Center For Training and Projects Development (CTPD) Prospectus

Institute of Bankers  IOB Namibia Prospectus

Institute For Open Learning ( IOL Prospectus )

National Youth Service Prospectus ( NYS Namibia Prospectus )
Note : It Should be Noted that the Namibia University of Science and Technology  (NUST) is synonymous to the Polytechnic of Namibia.

72 thoughts on “UNAM Faculty of Education Prospectus 2024-2025”

  1. I need assistance on how to apply a loan online, I tried but I just do not understand please.

  2. I have 23 points in 5 subjects and an E symbol in English, do I qualify to do Education at UNAM?

  3. I have 22 points in grade 12 with an E in English , am I qualify to do diploma in education? Or wll I go for excess first? Or is there an course I qualify to study to get a diploma?

  4. I have 20 points and E in english ,I also have a certificate in counselling and did my internship at school for 3 months am I qualify to apply education ato UNAM or through mature age?

  5. I am Tjiningire Uahambekisa I got 20 points in five subjects with a D symbol in English; will it be possible for me to enrol for a diploma in education ??????

  6. I am doing certificate in early childhood development at namcol wil i able to do degree at unam ?? Since i have level 5

  7. Got 26 points in 5 subject including English with a D symbol. Am I qualified to do diploma in junior primary education at unam by next year

  8. I would like to ask. I got 26 points in 5 subject including english with a D symbol. Am I qualified to do diploma in junior primary education at unam?

  9. Am i still fit to apply to UNAM after obtaining 22 points in 5 subjects D in English, for diploma in education? But in more than 3 examination sits.

  10. I have grade 10, 3years experience in teaching. Do i qualify to study upper education?

  11. Do you offer masters in maths and integrated natural sciences at Unam? Or which master can I go for which is related to that?

  12. Hi, I got 18 points in 5 whereby I qualify for a certificate, but I was wondering if I complete that certificate level do I have guarantee for a diploma of degree??? Please help

  13. I have grade 12 certificate with 25 points in five subjets: C- Biology, C-mathematics, C-Agriculture, B-PhysicalScience But unfortunately with F in English. Do I qualify to study pre-education at Unam under matured age entry

  14. I have Advanced Diploma in Banking & Finance with Institute of Bankers. Can I do Education?

  15. I have grade12 and almost 5years working experience at kindergarten, so is it possible to apply for mature age in education,mostly bachelor in secondary?

  16. I’m having 19 in grade 12 My name is Lourencia can I also apply for the certificate marketing, education, human and resources,

  17. Im having 19 in grade 12 My name isLlourencia can I also apply on the certificate

  18. Im having 19 in grade 12 My name is lOURENCIA can I also apply on the certificate

  19. I have 26 points in grade 12 and currently i am doing English Access COURSE at otjiwarongo center. which course do i qualify to do at school of medicine

  20. I have 20 points. Dev Studies B English D Geography D khoekhoegowab C and Agriculture G am I eligible for a certificate course?


  22. Good day
    I wrote my grade 10 through Namcol,i obtained a 21 will i be able to enrol for Education ,lower primary.
    Thank you so much

  23. I Tomas have 27 point in 5 and E in English, I want to ask if I can apply for diploma in Education upper primary.

  24. Good evening
    I have 23 points in 6,2006 matriculation,have 10 experience in insurance,however I would like to change my career.Can I enroll for education, preferred pre and junior primary?
    Thank you

  25. I have a grade 12 certificate with 22 points in 5 subjects. Do I qualified to do education through mature age entry?

  26. Am a 2018 matriculant,I would like to ask,how many years it take to study bachelor of education honours?and ist offered at Ketms.Is there any special subject to study that course and what symbols do you ask.And is there secondary education at Keetmas?

  27. I would like to ask,I am a 2017 matriculant with 24 points in 5 with a C in English.What do I qualify to study for at Unam?

  28. I have 21 ppints in 5 subjects.Am I allowed to do a certificate or diploma in Education.I have a D in English.

  29. I have 21 points in 5 subjects with a D in English.Am I allowed to do a certificate or a diploma in Education?

  30. How much is the hostel fee at katimamulilo campus? Is it paid per month or per semester?

  31. I’m having 40 points in 6 and 35 in 5 subject with a D in English and I want to study any course under health education what am i qualified to study?

  32. Can you please tell me the tuition fees – a degree in education for the year 2018

  33. I have 24 points in 6 subjects and would like to do education mature age at unam and have no experience.is it possible to enroll?

  34. Since I didnt qualify with the results of the second term(26points) now i passed (27points)do I stand a chance to qualify now

  35. Since I didnt qualify with the results of the second term now i passed do I stand a chance to qualify now

  36. Im having 20 points in five subjects and a D in English and I want to do education ,do I qualify for a diploma in junior primary or certificate??

  37. I have 20 points in 5 with a D in English is it possible for me to be admitted for a certificate for Education and next year continue with a Dimploma? Please help I’m confused.

  38. I would like to ask, I got 22 points in grade 12 and 2 year teaching experience and I want to study education with Unam. which qualification am I qualified for?

  39. Hi what subject’s will i have to study general clinical nursing? really want to do nursing

    • David, To be eligible for Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery Science, an applicant shall satisfy the following minimum requirements:
      candidate should be an enrolled nurse registered with the Nursing Council of Namibia and furnish proof of his/her current registration A National Senior Secondary Certificate (NSSC) or equivalent, obtained in not more than three examination sittings with a minimum of 22 points in five subjects according to UNAM evaluation point scale. One of the five subjects should be English with at least a D Symbol (NSSC) or a D symbol in Ordinary level or an equivalent symbol.
      Candidate should also submit proof of relevant nursing experience prior to admission. Annually after registration, every student must furnish the School with proof of current registration as a student with the Namibia Nursing Council.

  40. i have 22 point in 5 subject and E in English, I have a certificate in marketing management and currently doing a diploma in the same course. I have a experience in teaching for a month and use to be a relief teacher .am I qualified to do diploma in junior primary education?

    • I have 24 points in 5 subject , and D in English . I also have a 2 year diploma in entrepreneurship and new venture management from UNAM , am I qualified to do bachelor of education upper primary (math and natural science) ?

  41. I am Tomas improving for better symbol in English but my points are 29 in 5 subject… is UNAM this year only using online for application? If yes where in Ohangwena region i can get help to do it? I tried but fail to apply due to the fact that lack of source to use.

    • Tomas, UNAM accepts applications submitted through the conventional application forms. Applications are however closed.

  42. I am just want to ask too. I want to enrolle my self in pre- pramily school but my points are not enough.I have C in English,C in math,B in home economic ,D in Development study and G in Bioloy together is only 21 points is it posible for me to be adimited starting with a certificate first? Or any adivice from you please I need help .

    • Yes Mwalulilandje, you are eligible for admission into a certificate course.

  43. I am an enrolled nurse / midwife with 24 points in 5 subjects , currently upgrading my points at Namcol , I want to study Education , is it possible for me ?

  44. I just want to ask, since I am a grade 12 graduate having 21 point in five subject and both are science subject can it possible for me to be admit to do a certificate in nursing while with a grade F in Biology.

    • Unfortunately no Paulus, you will have to ugrade your score in biology.

      • I would like to ask if I have 20 points in 4 subject ist possible for me to enroll with UNAM and do a certificate in HIV and AIDS counselling education and then when I am done with the certificate I can change to a diploma in General nursing and midwifery? Ist possible?

        • I have 21 points in 5 subjects and 24 in 6 in which I have an A symbol in English, D In maths, D In Afrikaans, E in biology, E in physical science and an E in Geography. Is it possible for me to do a certificate in Education?


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