TUT NSFAS Application Status 2024-2025

Tshwane University of Technology TUT NSFAS Application Status 2024-2025

Tshwane University of Technology TUT NSFAS Application Status 2024-2025

Did you apply for the just ended Tshwane University of Technology TUT NSFAS Applications for ?, If your answer is yes, then you must be anxious about the status of your application. The application for NSFAS Aid ends on 30th November each year, with results being made available within the first quarter of the following year. 

To check your NSFAS Application Status, visit or log into your myNSFAS Account with your ID and the password you created during your application. Details on the current status of your application will be made available there.

SEE ALSO:  Vaal University of Technology NSFAS Approved List

If your status reads ” Provisionally Funded ” please contact the university’s  Student Funding office for assistance.

NSFAS Application Form 2024-2025

Call Centre: 0860 10 31 94 (sharecall)
Durban Switchboard: 031 373 2000
Midlands Switchboard: 033 845 8800
E-mail: info@dut.ac.za
P O Box 1334, Durban 4000
Financial Aid
Tel: 031 373 2553 (Dbn)
Tel: 033 845 8890 (Midlands)

TUT Application Status 2024-2025

You can either use your ID number or your surname, names and date of birth. If your application has been finalized, both your admission status and letter of acceptance can be downloaded on the same system.

If your application has not been finalized but has been received and captured, your reference number will be displayed and the status will either be “Application in process” or “Admission without status” and you should keep on checking on a weekly basis to see if your application has been finalized.

SEE ALSO:  Nanoteq Engineering Bursary Programme 2015 

Check application status

To check your application at Tshwane University of Technology, follow this link

Should you have any questions or enquiries regarding your admission, please contact the Admission Office on 0861102421 or 012-382 5750/5780 or email Admission@tut.ac.za

1 thought on “TUT NSFAS Application Status 2024-2025”

  1. I would like to study and receive the oney from Nsfas because my grandmother can not afford to pay me everything


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