Polytechnic of Namibia Bachelor of Economics

Polytechnic of Namibia Bachelor of Economics

Polytechnic of Namibia Business School
Polytechnic of Namibia Business School

Candidates may be admitted to this programme if they meet the General Admission Requirements of the Namibia University of Science and Technology (GI2.1 in Part 1 of NUST Yearbook). In addition, students should have minimum D symbol in Grade 12/NSSCO Mathematics.

Mature age candidates will be considered provided they meet the requirements and pass the mature age entrance examinations of the Namibia University of Science and Technology (GI2.2 in Part 1 of NUST Yearbook)

Career Possibilities:
Economist, Trainee Financial Analyst, Trainee Manager, Broker/Dealers
Modes of Study:  Full-time Part-time
Duration:  1 Year
Level of Programme:  Undergraduate
Course Code:  07BECO

The Bachelor of Economics provides a systematic and coherent introduction to the knowledge, principles, concepts, data, theories and problem – solving techniques of the economics discipline. The programme will enable students to acquire cognitive/intellectual skills, practical skills and key transferable skills and to apply these skills in solving economic problems that face the public and private sectors, as well as the overall economy.

The Bachelor of Economics specifically aims at:

  • providing students with a good foundation in the fundamental concepts, theories and frameworks of economics;
  • developing the ability of students to analyse information from a wide range of sources;
  • equipping students with the requisite skills to work effectively as individuals and as members of teams; and,
  • •enabling students to communicate effectively in the workplace

See Also

Polytechnic of Namibia Diploma in Accounting and Finance
Polytechnic of Namibia Bachelor of Accounting (General)
Polytechnic of Namibia Bachelor of Accounting (Chartered Accountancy)
Polytechnic of Namibia Advanced Diploma in the Theory of Accounting (ADTA)
Polytechnic of Namibia Business School Accounting , Economics and Finance Departments
Polytechnic of Namibia Business School Marketing and Logistics Departments
Polytechnic of Namibia Business School Management Departments
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