Medicine World Pharmacy Namibia Job Vacancies 2024-2025

Medicine World Pharmacy Namibia Job Vacancies 2024-2025

Medicine World Pharmacy Namibia Job Vacancies

Welcome to Our World

To be the leading Primary Health Care provider in Namibia by providing cost effective medicine to the public, with exceptional service.

To set the future direction of pharmacy practice in Namibia.

The “M” and “W” of Medicine World symbolize a human-like figure. The globe emphasizes our company slogan, i.e. “It’s a whole new world”, and also surrounds the above-mentioned figure in order to protect and serve. The colours used represent primarily the following: Blue is for clean, clinical and trust, Orange is for warmth and Yellow is for love and care.

The Medicine World dream realized when the first pharmacy was established in October 2004 in Outapi, Ombalantu.  We proudly named it Outapi Pharmacy No. 1.

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The second pharmacy followed a year later, in November 2005, in Ondangwa, i.e. Ondangwa Pharmacy, from whereon we shifted our focus to the nation’s capital in order to establish our name in the industry.

In May 2006, Medicine World Windhoek opened its doors in Maerua Mall (2nd phase) and a decision was made to add the prefix “Medicine World” to all pharmacy names.  Medicine World Windhoek was also our flagship pharmacy and is the proud custodian of our group of pharmacies image to the world.

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Contact Details

2nd Phase New Maerua Mall, Shop 60, Centaurus Road, Maerua Park, WindhoekP.O. Box 97110 Maerua Park, Windhoek, Namibia
Tel: 061-301366
Fax: 061-301369

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If you have the skills we need and consider to become part of our Bigger Family at medicine world, then we may just have a vacancy for you. We are currently having vacancies for Pharmacists and Pharmacy assistants. Please contact our Medicine World Personnel division.

Administration Office – Medicine World Personnel

Maerua Mall, St. Taurus Road, Windhoek
P.O. Box 97110 Maerua Park, Windhoek, Namibia
Tel: 061-301383/4/5
Fax: 061-301386

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