AME Community Private Primary School, Kalkrand, Hardap Region
Amen Combined School
Andimba Toivo ya Toivo Senior Secondary School (formerly: Oluno Senior Secondary School), Ondangwa, Oshana Region
Anna Maasdorp Primary School
Arandis Primary School
Ashipala Junior Secondary School
Atlantic Junior Secondary School
Auas Primary School
Augustineum Training College, Windhoek, Khomas Region (until 1890: Otjimbingwe, Erongo Region until 1968: Okahandja, Otjozondjupa Region)
Beenbreck Primary School
Bet-hel Primary School
Blouberg Primary School
Bloukrans Primary School, Dordabis, Khomas Region
Bukalo Primary School, Katima Mulilo, Zambezi Region
Bunya Combined School
Brandberg Primary School, Uis. As of 2017 the school had 279 pupils.
Braunfels Secondary School
C. Spellmeyer Junior Secondary School
Cabatana Private School, Oshana Region
Canisianum Roman Catholic High School, Omusati Region; was the fourth-best school in the country in 2013 and 2014
Caprivi Secondary School
Centaurus Secondary School, Windhoek, Khomas Region
Charles Anderson School, Ongwediva, Oshana Region
Chief Katako Primary School
Chinchimane Combined School
C. J. Brandt High School
Combretum Trust School
Concordia College, Windhoek, Khomas Region
Constantia Private School
Cornelius Goreseb Secondary School
Cosmos High School, Windhoek, Khomas Region
Da-Palm Senior Secondary School, Otjimbingwe, Erongo Region
Dagbreek Centre, Windhoek, Khomas Region; a school for the handicapped
Danie Joubert Combined School
Daweb Combined School, Maltahöhe, Hardap Region
Dawid Bezuidenhout High School, Windhoek, Khomas Region
David Sheehama Secondary School
De Duine Secondary School
Delta Primary School Windhoek (DSW), Windhoek, Khomas Region
Delta Secondary School Windhoek (DSSW), Windhoek, Khomas Region
Deutsche Höhere Privatschule Windhoek (DHPS), Windhoek, Khomas Region
Deutscher Schulverein Otjiwarongo, Otjiwarongo, Otjozondjupa Region
Diaz Junior Secondary School
Dibasen Junior Secondary School, Okombahe, Erongo Region
Divundu Combined School, Divundu, Kavango East Region
Divundu Vision School, Divundu, Kavango East Region; first vision school of Namibia; established 2013
Don Bosco Primary School, Keetmanshoop, ǁKaras Region
Donatus School Otjiwarongo, Otjiwarongo, Otjozondjupa Region
Donkerbos Primary School, Donkerbos, Omaheke Region
Dorado Pre-Primary School, 1226 Hydra/Taurus Street, Dorado Park, Windhoek, Khomas Region
Dordabis Primary School, Dordabis, Khomas Region
Dr Abraham Iyambo Senior Secondary School, before 2014 named Oshikunde Senior Secondary School, Oshikunde Constituency, Ohangwena Region
Duneside Private School, Erongo Region
E. Garoëb Primary School
Ebenhaeser Primary School
Eddie Bowe Primary School
Edundja Junior Secondary School, Edundja, Ohangwena Region
Eembo Combined School
Eengedjo Senior Secondary School, Ohangwena Region
Eengwena Primary School
Eenhana School, Eenhana, Ohangwena Region
Eenkalashe Combined School, Onesi
Ehomba School
Ekulo Senior Secondary School, near Omuthiya, Oshikoto Region
Elakalapwa Combined School
Elamba Combined School
Elao Primary School, Okalongo, Omusati Region
ELCIN Nkurenkuru High School, Nkurenkuru, Kavango Region
Ella du Plessis High School, Windhoek, Khomas Region
Elondo Primary School
Eloolo Combined School
Emma H. Greef Primary School
Emma Hoogenhout Primary School, established 1900
Empelheim High School
Endombe Combined School
Engombe Junior Primary School, Uuvudhiya Constituency, Oshana Region; established in 1996 by the community and corporate sponsors; since the building’s roof blew off in 2013, instruction is given in tents
Epako Junior Secondary School
Epandulo Combined School, Onalunike, Oshikoto Region
Epukiro Post 3 Junior Secondary School, Epukiro, Omaheke Region
Epukiro Roman Catholic Primary School, Epukiro, Omaheke Region
Erkki Tauya Junior Secondary School (formerly Nakayale Combined School), Nakayale, Omusati Region
Eros Primary School, Windhoek, Khomas Region
Eros School for Girls, a school for girls with learning difficulties, Windhoek, Khomas Region
Erundu Secondary School, Oshakati, Oshana Region
Etalaleko Secondary School
Etanga School
Etosha Secondary School, Tsumeb, Oshikoto Region
Etsapa Combined School
Frans Aupa Indongo Primary School, Windhoek, Khomas Region
Frans Frederik Primary School
Gabriel Taapopi Senior Secondary School, Ongwediva, Oshana Region
Gam Primary School
Gammams Primary School
Gobabis Gymnasium Private School, Gobabis, Omaheke Region; was the third-best school in the country in 2014 (2013: rank 6)
Gobabis Primary School, Gobabis, Omaheke Region
Goreangab Junior Secondary School, Windhoek, Khomas Region
Gqaina Primary School
Groot Aub Junior Primary School, Groot Aub, Hardap Region
Grootberg Primary School Erwee
Grootfontein Agri College (GAC), Grootfontein, Otjozondjupa Region
Grootfontein Secondary School, Grootfontein, Otjozondjupa Region
Gustav Kandjii Junior Secondary School, Otjinene, Omaheke Region
Haimbili Haufiku Senior Secondary School, near Eenhana, Ohangwena Region
Haisisira Junior Primary School, Kavango Region
Hans Daniel Senior Secondary School
Haudano Secondary School (formerly called Okalongo Senior Secondary School), Okalongo, Omusati Region
Hedimbi Primary School, Eengodi Constituency, Oshikoto Region; established 1992; 154 pupils in 2013
Helen Van Rhijn Primary School
Heroes Private School, Oshikoto Region
High School P.K. De Villiers
High Technical School Windhoek, Windhoek, Khomas Region
Highlands Christian School, Windhoek, Khomas Region
Hochland High School, Windhoek, Khomas Region
Holy Cross Convent School, Windhoek, Khomas Region; established 1906
Hooksteen Combined School, Rosh Pinah, ǁKaras Region
Hosea Kutako Primary School, Aminuis, Omaheke Region
I. Shifidi Secondary School
I K Tjimuhiva Combined School
Iihenda Secondary School
Iipumbu Senior Secondary School
Imakusi School
International School of Walvis Bay, Walvis Bay, Erongo Region
Isak Buys Primary School
Isak Katali Combined School, Onesi
Isize Junior Secondary School
J. G. Van der Wath Secondary School, Okahandja, Okahandja, Otjozondjupa Region
Jacob Basson Combined School
Jakob Marengo Secondary School, Windhoek, Khomas Region; established 1985 as an alternative, learner-centerer school; named after freedom fighter Jakob Marengo; catered for close to 1,000 learners in grades 10–12; one of few Namibian schools where learners are not required to wear school uniform
Jan Jonker Afrikaner High School, Katutura, Windhoek, Khomas Region
Jan Möhr Secondary School, Windhoek, Khomas Region
Junior Secondary School H Vedder
Junior Secondary School PJ Tsaitsaib
Rev. Juuso Shikongo Secondary School, Oshikoto Region
Kamwandi Primary School
Karibib Junior Secondary School, Karibib, Erongo Region
Karibib Primary School, Karibib, Erongo Region
Karibib Private School, Karibib, Erongo Region
Karuci Senior Primary School
Karukuta Primary School, Kavango Region
Karundu Primary School, Otjiwarongo, Otjozondjupa Region
Kasivi Combined School, Kavango Region
Katima Primary School
Kauluma Combined School
Keendawala Combined School
Kephas Muzuma Combined School
Khomas High School, Khomas Region
Klein Aub Boys School, Klein Aub, Hardap Region
Klein Aub Primary School, Klein Aub, Hardap Region
Kolin Foundation Secondary School
Kongola Combined School, Kongola, Zambezi Region
Kuisebmond Secondary School, Walvis Bay, Erongo Region
Leevi Hakusembe Senior Secondary School, Kavango Region
Likelo Combined School, Epembe Constituency, Ohangwena Region
Linus Shashipapo Secondary School, Kavango Region
Linyanti Combined School, Linyanti Constituency, Zambezi Region
Mangetti Dune Primary School, Tsumkwe Constituency, Otjozondjupa Region. Mangetti Dune is a boarding school that mainly caters for the marginalised San community; its learners come from families that live in extreme poverty. The school had 363 learners and has 14 teachers in 2014, and was the constituency’s best performing primary school. The school buildings are part of a converted military base.
Mariental Primary School, Mariental
Marmer Primary School, Aus
Martin Luther High School, Okombahe
Martin Ndumba Combined School, Divundu, Kavango Region
Martti Ahtisaari Primary School, Wanaheda, Windhoek. Established 1991 as Wanaheda Primary School, renamed 1997 after Martti Ahtisaari, head of UNTAG
Maurits Devenish Private School (Ongwediva)
Mbongolo Primary School
Mphe Thuto Primary School, Tsjaka, Omaheke Region
Morukutu Primary School
Motsomi Primary School, Aminuis, Omaheke Region
Mumbwenge Combined School, Ombalamumbwenge, Oshikoto Region
Mwaala Nashilongo High School
Mwadikange Kaulinge Secondary School
Mwadinomho Combined School, Ondeihaluka, Ohangwena Region
Mweshipandeka High School, Ongwediva, Oshana Region
Nailenge Primary School, Ohangwena
Nambula Combined School
Namib High School (1913–1918: Städtische Realschule mit Grundschule, 1919–1929: Swakopmund Primary School, 1930–1945: Reformrealgymnasium, 1946–1975: Swakopmund High School, 1976–1980: Deutsche Schule Swakopmund, 1981–1997: Deutsche Oberschule Swakopmund), Swakopmund, Erongo Region
Namibia Primary School, established 1988 as Namibian English Primary School. Katutura, Windhoek, Khomas Region
Nanghonda Combined School
Ndiyona Combined School, Kavango Region
Negumbo Senior Secondary School, Onaanda, Omusati Region, established in 2005. Was the sixth-best school in the country in 2014 (2013: rank 5).
Nehale Senior Secondary School
Noordgrens Sekondere, Omusati Region
Nossob Primary School, Omaheke Region
Nuuyoma Senior Secondary School, Oshikuku, Omusati Region
Ntara Combined School, Kavango Region
Nyangana Combined School, Kavango Region
Nyondo Combined School, Kavango Region
Ohaukelo Combined School
Odibo Combined School, Odibo, Ohangwena Region
Oikango Combined School, Oikango, Oshana Region
Oipya Primary School
Olambo Primary School, Onyaanya Constituency, Oshikoto Region
Olupaka Combined School
Ongenga Combined School
Onghwiyu Primary School, Oshikunde Constituency, Ohangwena Region
Omaruru Primary School, Omaruru
Omatjete Primary School, Omaruru
Omuhaturua Primary School
Omutse Combined School
Okaepe Project School
Okakarara Senior Secondary School
Okathitu Combined School
Okomakwiya Primary School, Onesi
Omakondo Combined School
Ombombo Combined School
Ombome Combined School, Onesi Constituency
Ombuga Combined School, Okatana Constituency, Oshana Region
Ombundu Primary School
Omuulukila Primary School
Onaholongo Combined School
Onakaheke Combined School
Onakalunga Combined School, Omundaungilo Constituency, Ohangwena Region, established in 1995.
Onamukulo Combined School
Onamutene Combined School
Onangolo Secondary School
Onangholo Combined School
Onakasino Junior Primary School, Oshikoto Region
Onankali Combined School
Onangwe Junior Secondary School
Onampadhi Primary School
Onathinge-South Combined School
Onashitendo Primary School
Ondangwa Prof Pre-Primary School
Ondeihaluka Combined School
Onderombua Primary School
Onesi Senior Secondary School, Onesi
Ongha Senior Secondary School
Oniihwa Combined School
Oniiwe Primary School
Onguti Senior Secondary School
Ongolo Combined School
Ontoko Combined School, 40 kilometres (25 mi) west of Outapi, Omusati Region
Onyika Junior Secondary School
Opuwo Primary School, Opuwo. As of 2017 the school had 39 teachers and 1,200 learners.
Orange Combined School
Oranjemund Private School – ǁKaras Region
Orban Primary School
Orwetoveni Primary School, Otjiwarongo
Oshakati Senior Secondary School
Oshali West Combined School
Oshigambo High School, Oshikoto Region
Oshilemba Combined School
Otjiwarongo Secondary School, Otjiwarongo, Otjozondjupa Region
Oupili Combined School
Outjo Secondary School
Peoples Primary School
Petrus ǃGaneb Secondary School, Uis. This school offers grades 8 to 12 to currently 295 learners from grades 8 to 12. The school was built before Namibian independence; its facilities are old and dilapidated.
Petrus Vries Primary School, Khauxas, Hardap Region
Pionier Boys’ School, Windhoek, Khomas Region
Pionierspark Primary School, Windhoek, Khomas Region
Paresis Secondary School, Otjiwarongo
Primary School Baumgartsbrunn, Khomas Region
Putuavanga Senior Secondary School, Opuwo
Rietquelle Junior Secondary School at Rietquelle, part of Aminuis, Omaheke Region
Rocky Crest High School
Roman Catholic Mokaleng Combined School, Aminuis, Omaheke Region
Romanus Kamunoko Senior Secondary School
Rosh Pinah Academy, a secondary school in Rosh Pinah
Ruacana Vocational High School
Rucara Combined School, Kavango Region
Rundu Secondary School (RSS), Kavango Region
Rupara Combined School, Kavango Region
Sanjo Senior Secondary School, Bukalo, Zambezi Region
Schmelenville Combined School, Bethanie
Shaanika Nashilongo Secondary School, Okahao, Omusati Region
Shikeva Combined School, Ohangwena
Shikongo Iipinge Senior Secondary School, Tsandi, Omusati Region
Shikudule Combined School
Shitemo Combined School, Kavango Region
Simataa Secondary School, Chinchimane, Zambezi Region
Singalamwe Combined School, Singalamwe, Zambezi Region
St. Andrews Primary School
St Boniface College (SBC), Kavango Region
St Barnabas Anglican Church School, destroyed in the 1960s when Windhoek’s Old Location was closed for Blacks.
St. Charles Lwanga High School
St George’s Diocesan College, Windhoek, Khomas Region
St George’s Diocesan Preparatory School
St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic School, Khomas Region
St. Mary’s Odibo High School, Odibo, Ohangwena Region
St. Paul’s College, Windhoek, Khomas Region
Suiderhof Primary School
Swakopmund Christian Academy
Secondary School Swakopmund (SSS), Swakopmund, Erongo Region
The University Centre for Studies in Namibia (TUCSIN), Windhoek, Khomas Region
Uukule Senior Secondary School, Onyaanya Constituency, Oshikoto Region
Uutsathima Combined School, Uutsathima, Okahao Constituency, Omusati Region, situated 80 kilometres (50 mi) from Okahao. A school predominantly for San people with 12 teachers and more than 300 pupils.
Uuyoka Combined School
Waldorf School Windhoek
Walvis Bay Private School, Walvis Bay, Erongo Region
Wennie Du Plessis Secondary School, Gobabis, Omaheke Region
West-Coast Edu Centre Henties Bay
Willem Borchat Primary School
Windhoek Afrikaanse Privaatskool
Windhoek Gymnasium Private School, Windhoek, Khomas Region