List of Veterinary Schools in Namibia

List of Veterinary Schools in Namibia

Who is a Veterinarian? 

A veterinarian (vet), also known as a veterinary surgeon or veterinary physician, is a professional who practices veterinary medicine by treating diseases, disorders, and injuries in non-human animals.

Overview of Veterinary Schools in Namibia

Veterinary education is the tertiary education of veterinarians. To become a veterinarian, one must first complete a veterinary degree.

In Namibia, almost all veterinary medical degrees are second entry degrees, and require several years of previous study at the university level.

What kind of education do you need for a veterinarian in Namibia?

To obtain a doctor of veterinary medicine (DVM) degree, a minimum of six years of university education is required: two years of pre-veterinary study at a regular university followed by four years of courses in veterinary medicine at one of the various veterinary schools in Namibia.

List of Veterinary Schools in Namibia

Here are list of veterinary schools in Namibia;

School of Veterinary Medicine – University of Namibia

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Health Professions Council Of Namibia

Windhoek Animal Hospital

Windhoek Veterinary Clinic

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

In regards to veterinary education in Namibia, here are most asked questions;

Do you need a PHD to be a vet in Namibia?

A doctorate in veterinary medicine is the next step in a veterinarian’s educational journey. You must complete your doctoral degree at one of the country’s accredited veterinary medical schools. It typically takes four years to complete the full program.

How do you become a vet in Namibia?

How to Become a Veterinarian

  1. Complete a Bachelor’s Degree Program. Most schools of veterinary medicine require or prefer applicants to have a bachelor’s degree.
  2. Earn a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.
  3. Become Licensed.
  4. Gain Experience.
  5. Become Certified in a Specialty.
  6. Join a Professional Association.

How long is veterinary school in Namibia?

4 years. In Namibia, veterinary school is a four-year degree program following undergraduate Bachelor’s degree level education (a total of 7 to 9 years: 3 to 5 years undergraduate plus 4 years of veterinary school).

What skills do veterinarians need?

Veterinarians should also possess the following specific qualities:

  • Compassion. Veterinarians must be compassionate when working with animals and their owners.
  • Decision-making skills.
  • Interpersonal skills.
  • Management skills.
  • Manual dexterity.
  • Problem-solving skills.

How much money do you make being a veterinarian in Namibia?

The annual median income for veterinarians was $88,770, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The lowest 10 percent earned an average of $52,470, while the top 10 percent brought home an average of $161,070. Vets in Hawaii earned the most, with an annual mean wage of $201,250.

Do veterinarians make more money than doctors in Namibia?

Both careers pay good wages, based on their education. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in 2011 veterinarians earned an average salary of $91,250 per year; while physicians and surgeons, which includes doctors, earned an average salary of $184,650 per year.

Is a vet called Doctor?

An individual with a PhD or some other terminal degree can earn the title of “doctor.” However, outside of medicine and college campuses, “doctor” is rarely used as a title. Thus, physicians are doctors of medicine.

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The same can be said of veterinarians, who hold a DMV (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine).

What is the starting salary of a veterinarian in Namibia?

The BLS reports the annual median pay for a veterinarian was $88,770 or $42.68 per hour in 2016. Veterinarians new to the field may start out making around $52,270.

Is Vet School Hard in Namibia?

Veterinary medicine is an extremely popular career choice in the animal industry, even though it requires a challenging, demanding education. It can be difficult to get accepted to vet school, but it can be well worth the effort in the long term.

What do vet schools do in Namibia?

The average veterinarian completes 4 1/2 years of undergraduate education, taking classes such as biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, physics, microbiology, anatomy and physiology, math, animal science, and more…and that’s just to prepare them for veterinary school.

How difficult is it to become a veterinarian in Namibia?

Getting a place is HARD! If you are considering a career in veterinary medicine, you are probably fairly academic – and you’d need to be. Most vet schools require top academic grades to even get a foot in the door. Once you get to vet school, you will be surrounded by smart and capable students.

Is vet school harder than med school in Namibia?

Why Is Vet School Harder To Get Into Than Medical School?

GPAs and test scores for admitted applicants are comparable to medical school. Vet schools also seem to require significant work experience with animals prior to admission and most applicants don’t get in on the first try.

How much does it cost to go to school to be a veterinarian?

A Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree typically costs $28,000-$54,000 per year for in-state tuition and fees (resident rate) or $41,000-$66,000 per year (for four years) for out-of-state tuition and fees (non-resident rate). In general, tuition costs are higher for non-residents attending a state school.

Is becoming a veterinarian hard in Namibia?

Getting a place is HARD! If you are considering a career in veterinary medicine, you are probably fairly academic – and you’d need to be. Most vet schools require top academic grades to even get a foot in the door. Once you get to vet school, you will be surrounded by smart and capable students.

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What math do veterinarians use in Namibia?

Depending on your academic program, you might be required to take certain math courses as a prerequisite for the calculus or statistics course you need. For example, some schools might require students to take algebra, geometry, trigonometry and pre-calculus before they’re allowed to take calculus or statistics.

Can vets treat humans?

The veterinarian had no first-aid training for humans. Each state has its own Good Samaritan law and its own veterinary practice act, but neither necessarily gives clear direction about veterinarians administering emergency medical aid to human patients.

Can vets use the title Dr?

Nothing prevents veterinary surgeons using the courtesy title ‘Doctor’ or ‘Dr’ if they wish to, however veterinary surgeons using the title must be careful not to mislead the public. A courtesy title does not reflect academic attainment; instead, it is associated with professional standing.

Why is veterinary school so expensive?

For veterinary colleges that receive state funding, the vast majority of the tuition increase has been due to decreased or flat state support.

How competitive is veterinary school?

Just as it is in medical school, the competition for admission to a veterinary college is very competitive. The acceptance rate is typically between 10% and 15%. A few veterinary schools hover right around the 50% mark while some schools take more than 80% of its accepted applicants from within its own state.

Is being a vet stressful?

Being a veterinarian is not glamorous. It is often an ugly, depressing, heart-wrenching job. To say that it is stressful is a gross understatement. You see, veterinarians are perceived by society as completely selfless people who would do anything to save a pet’s life.

1 thought on “List of Veterinary Schools in Namibia”

  1. Thanks a lot, seeing to it that I wanna become a veterinarian this 👆 information has helped me a lot. Thanks again and good job 👍


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