List Of Train Driving Schools In Namibia

List Of Train Driving Schools In Namibia

List Of Train Driving Schools In Namibia

List Of Train Driving Schools In Namibia

Who is a Train Driver?\

A train driver, engine driver or locomotive driver, commonly known as an engineer in the United States and Canada, and also as a locomotive handler, locomotive operator, train operator, or motorman, is a person who drives a train.

List Of Train Driving Schools In Namibia

TransNamib Train Diving school Namibia

Frequently Asked Questions​​​​ (FAQs).

Why would you like to be a train driver?

Train driving is quite peaceful, as long as you don’t encounter any issues! You feel like you have a sense of responsibility to take care of passengers and make sure everyone is safe and you have to remain professional throughout.

How long does it take to become a qualified train driver?

Typically it takes between nine and 12 months to become a qualified train driver.

How do you qualify as a train driver in Namibia?

You do not need specific qualifications to become a train driver. You can join a company as an apprentice or trainee – your employer will usually provide the appropriate training. If your initial application is successful, you will be invited to an assessment centre for tests and an interview.

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How can a train driver contribute to customer service?

As a train driver, you need to keep customer service and health and safety in mind at all times when driving trains. This extends to behaviour such as making important announcements, opening and closing the doors, and updating/apologising to customers for delays.

What are train drivers paid in Namibia?

Salaries for train drivers are dependent on which company they work for and experience. The average base pay for a driver in the UK is £54,184 per year, according to Glassdoor. But the pay can range from £44,000 up to £65,000.

Do you get paid while training to be a train driver in Namibia?

During training, which lasts 12-16 weeks, trainee drivers earn £32,375 during their training,. Drivers also get free travel around London for them and a partner, and can retire on a pension at the age of 50. However, it was revealed last year that some Tube drivers are paid more than £100,000 a year.

Is there an age limit for train drivers?

Technically, there is no maximum train driver age limit for driving provided you continue to pass the medicals. If you are starting as a Conductor the minimum age on entry is 18 because it is a safety critical job and you will be handling cash.

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How many hours do train drivers work in Namibia?

The Working Day: Being a train driver involves erratic train driver shift pattern and Conditions of Service which vary from one TOC to another. In theory, turn lengths can vary between about five and eleven hours but in practice most come in at around seven to ten hours.

Is it hard driving a train?

The physical work is not hard, the time is spent sitting in a chair, pulling the control levers for the throttle, brakes, horn, etc. There is advance planning involved for the different routes, and different length, and weight, and available power and braking for each and every train.

Why are train drivers paid so much in Namibia?

Because they have a very strong Trade Union which fights vigorously and effectively for their pay and conditions. They may or may not be worth the money they are paid but many feel that others such as nurses or even bus drivers are more deserving.

Is being a train driver stressful?

Generally it isn’t a stressful job (can be when things go wrong but as long as you’ve made the effort to know your stuff and you keep calm, it’s manageable). One aspect that you do take home with you is the shift work and the lifestyle management that goes with it.

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What skills do train drivers need?


  • concentration skills
  • to be thorough and pay attention to detail
  • patience and the ability to remain calm in stressful situations
  • the ability to operate and control equipment
  • knowledge of public safety and security
  • observation and recording skills
  • the ability to work well with others and on your own
  • knowledge of transport methods, costs and benefits
  • the ability to accept criticism and work well under pressure
  • physical skills like movement, coordination, dexterity and grace
  • sensitivity and understanding
  • excellent verbal communication skills
  • thinking and reasoning skills
  • active listening skills
  • the ability to work well with your hands
  • the ability to use, repair and maintain machines and tools

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