List of Special Needs Schools in Namibia 2024-2025

List of Special Needs Schools in Namibia 2024-2025

Who is a Person with Special Need?

A disabled person is someone having a physical or mental condition that limits their movements, senses, or activities. It can be relating to or specifically designed for people with a physical or mental disability.

Overview – Special Need Schools in Namibia

A special needs school is one that is segregated from a regular school. It can be non-public, meaning that it is privately run but publicly funded, or it can be a private school, either for profit or non-profit. Special needs schools serve many students with different types and severities of learning disabilities.

Disabilities can range from spectrum disorders, such as autism or Asperger’s to attention disorders, like ADHD, to learning disabilities such as dyslexia. Some schools also aid those with physical or emotional disorders as well.

Listed Special Needs Schools in Namibia

Môreson Special School for the Cognitively Impaired Namibia

Pionier Boys’ School in Namibia

Dagbreek School for the Intellectually Impaired

Onyose Trust Namibia

National Institute of Special Education Namibia


Special Need Schools in Namibia

If your child has a special need or learning disability, picking a special education school might be the right choice for their education. There are many benefits of a special education school, including smaller class sizes, which make it easier for children to concentrate and learn. They will be able to get the one on one time they need to really excel in their education. Furthermore, many students with special needs may have trouble with sensory overload, which can easily happen in a larger classroom of noisy children. The smaller classes are better suited for those special needs children with sensory sensitivities.

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A special education school is also better equipped with teachers and specialists to help your child in many different areas. Since the teachers are trained in special education, they know about and have experience teaching children with unique learning abilities. Special needs schools also have regular use of specialists, such as speech pathologists, physical therapists, and occupational therapists. All three are essential in helping your child progress in their language and physical skills.

Additionally, a special needs school is a great option for children who need extra love and understanding when it comes to their unique educational needs. As a parent, it is your job and privilege to ensure your child gets the best education as possible, no matter what his or her learning style and needs may be. Whether it is a special needs school or not, the right school can help.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

In regards to disabled schools in Namibia;

What are special schools in Namibia?

A special school is a school that is specially organised to make special educational provision (‘SEP’) for children or young people with SEN. Specials schools can be maintained by the local authority (‘LA’).

There are also a number of independent special schools as well as non-maintained special schools.

Why are special schools important in Namibia?

Below are some advantages of special schools in Namibia;

  • Work is geared to the child’s individual needs and linked carefully to their own targets.
  • Teaching is matched closely to learning styles and strengths.
  • Children have a peer group with similar needs, so they don’t feel different and find it easier to make friends.
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What are the different types of special needs?

There are four major types of special needs children:

  • Physical – muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, chronic asthma, epilepsy, etc.
  • Developmental – down syndrome, autism, dyslexia, processing disorders.
  • Behavioral/Emotional – ADD, bi-polar, oppositional defiance disorder, etc.
  • Sensory Impaired – Blind, visually impaired, deaf, limited hearing

How many special schools are there in Namibia?

Special schools in Namibia aren’t many compared to know schools providing education to the citizens. Data on Namibia special schools have been gathered and below are some list of this school;

Môreson Special School for the Cognitively Impaired Namibia

Pionier Boys’ School in Namibia

Dagbreek School for the Intellectually Impaired

Onyose Trust Namibia

National Institute of Special Education Namibia

Do special needs schools follow the national curriculum in Namibia?

All maintained schools – that is, those controlled by the local authority – have to follow the National Curriculum, and that includes special schools. However, they have the freedom to teach the National Curriculum in line with pupils’ specific needs, making reasonable adjustments where necessary .

What is unique about special education in Namibia?

The purpose of special education is to enable students to grow to their fullest potential by providing a free appropriate public education designed to fit their unique and special needs

What are the 13 categories of special education?

  • autism
  • deaf-blindness
  • deafness
  • emotional disturbance
  • hearing impairment
  • intellectual disability
  • multiple disabilities
  • orthopedic impairment
  • other health impairment
  • specific learning disability
  • speech or language impairment
  • traumatic brain injury
  • visual impairment (including blindness)

Can a teacher refer a child for special education in Namibia?

In simple terms, a student is considered eligible for special education services if

  1. The child has a disability as defined by IDEA which negatively impacts his/her educational performance, and
  2. The child needs special education services in order to benefit from education.
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What are the disadvantages of special education?

Because they work with students who have emotional and behavioral disabilities, special education teachers may face student meltdowns, tantrums and other uncontrollable behavior. They may face frustrated students who are struggling academically and rebelling by refusing to do their work.

Is ADHD a special need?

ADHD is not considered to be a learning disability. It can be determined to be a disability under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), making a student eligible to receive special education services.

What causes autism?

Prenatal viral infection has been called the principal non-genetic cause of autism. Prenatal exposure to rubella or cytomegalovirus activates the mother’s immune response and may greatly increase the risk for autism in mice. Congenital rubella syndrome is the most convincing environmental cause of autism.

What qualifies a child as special needs?

Special needs can range from people with autism, cerebral palsy, down syndrome, dyslexia, blindness, ADHD, and cystic fibrosis. The types of special needs vary in severity, and a student with a special need is classified as being a severe case when the student’s IQ is between 20 and 35.

What is the most common type of special needs?

Some of the most common special needs that young children are diagnosed with are:

  • Speech and/or language delays,
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder,
  • Cognitive delays,
  • Social and emotional disorders, and
  • Learning differences/disabilities.

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