List of Music Schools in Namibia 2024-2025

List of Music Schools in Namibia 2024-2025

List of Music Schools in Namibia

What is a Music School or Education?

Music education is a field of study associated with the teaching and learning of music.

Overview of Music Education in Namibia

Music education is a field of practice, in which educators are trained for careers as elementary or secondary music teachers, school or music conservatory ensemble directors

It touches on all domains of learning, including the psychomotor domain, the cognitive domain, and, in particular and significant ways, the affective domain, including music appreciation and sensitivity.

Why music is so important?

Music can raise someone’s mood, get them excited, or make them calm and relaxed. Music also allows us to feel nearly or possibly all emotions that we experience in our lives.

It is an important part of their lives and fills a need or an urge to create music.

List of Music Schools in Namibia

College of the Arts

Kindermusik Namibia

Kindermusik with Elbé Bester

A-B-S Music School

Kaleidoscope Creations Namibia

Take Note Music

Arts Performance Centre (APC)

UNAM School of Music

Arts Performance Centres (APC) – Music School

Shekinah Glory Music School

ED Music Academy

The School of Rock Music Academy

Youth Orchestras of Namibia – YONA

Simon Estes Music School

Search Results
Web results

Classical Note Music Academy Namibia Academy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a major in music education?

The bachelor of music in music education prepares students to be the music educators of today and tomorrow. Students develop skills, concepts, and methodologies in music theory, composition, general musicianship, music history, arranging, orchestrating, improvising, conducting, and music performance.

Why is music education important in schools in Namibia?

Music education is also important because it will give students a way to connect with other people. Children are naturally very social, and it’s important to encourage them to build relationships by providing them experiences to share with each other.

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Why is music so powerful?

Music is a language of emotion in that it can represent different feelings and barge into the soul with no boundaries or limitations. People are always challenged by the fact that “no one understands them” or know how they “really feel”, so they turn to music. Music also has the capacity to imitate emotions.

Why do we need music?

Music helps us to find ourselves. It can reach our feelings and even change them. For example, music is able to reduce stress, caused by the outside world made stress, which is felt every day. Music can help to reach the deepest spots in our minds, for example, our memories, emotions.

Is a degree in music worth it in Namibia?

Asking whether a music degree is worth the cost is like asking if there is enough work available to pay off the cost of education. Most music graduates work as teachers or session musicians, and a degree combined with excellent skills can ensure steady session work with relatively high pay.

What skills does music develop?

Music ignites all areas of child development and skills for school readiness, including intellectual, social-emotional, motor, language, and overall literacy. It helps the body and the mind work together.

How does music education affect the brain?

Music training can change both the structure of the brain’s white matter, which carries signals through the brain, and gray matter, which contains most of the brain’s neurons that are active in processing information. Research shows that music training boosts IQ, focus and persistence.

Should you let students listen to music in the classroom?

Students should be able to listen to music because it helps bad things get off their mind.

What age should you start music lessons in Namibia?

Five years old is an optimal age to begin lessons. At that point, children are usually pretty good at being able to sit and focus with a music teacher in their home. But if you have a curious four or even three year old who you know has the attention span for a music lesson, by all means, give it a try!

What is the Kodaly method of teaching music?

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The Kodály Method includes the use of hand signals during singing exercises to provide a visual aid for the solfa syllables. The height that the hand rests at while making each sign is related to the pitch, with “do” at waist level and “la” at eye level.

How does art and music affect the brain?

Creativity can have a powerful effect on the human brain. Viewing art can stir strong emotions and deep thoughts, stimulating the brain in profound and often long term ways, while music affects the brain emotionally simply because specific brain circuits are wired to respond to it.

How does music speak to people?

Music is the primary mechanism by which humans communicate emotion. You may have said, “Here, you’ll like this.” but what you were trying to say is ,”I want you to feel something that I felt listening to this.”

In doing so, you share a common emotional experience, which is a very powerful thing.

Why does music touch the soul?

Music touches our soul because it expresses at times what we can’t verbally express ourselves or that it expresses nearly exactly how we feel. Music touches a cord within us that resonates with our heart, mind, and spirit. At times, music helps us to forget our troubles for a moment and lifts us to another dimension.

Is a music degree hard in Namibia?

It’s not really that hard to get a degree in music performance if you are a reasonably talented musician in High School looking at schools. You see, performance/music skill is on a timeline. Everyone gets better over time, but some people start earlier, learn faster, etc.

How does music affect intelligence?

Popular ideas, such as the “Mozart effect”—the idea that listening to classical music improves intelligence—has encouraged the belief that “music makes you smarter.”

Research has shown that listening to music shows an improvement in certain kinds of mental tasks.

How much money can you make with a music degree?

Music education administrators earned $25,000 to $70,000 a year, while choir directors made $21,000 to $85,000 a year.

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What does a high school music teacher do?

What does a Music Teacher do? A music teacher is responsible for instructing students with the skills they will need to become successful musicians in their own right.

What qualifications do you need to be a music teacher?

Like any teacher who works at a public school, a music teacher must have a bachelor’s degree and complete a state-approved teacher preparation program to meet certification requirements. A bachelor’s program in music education may include courses in musical theory, music in early childhood, and choral conducting.

At what age should you start piano lessons?

The best age to start piano lessons is typically between the ages of 6 and 9-years-old. While older students may have an easier time learning to play, students as young as 6-years-old can also learn since the keys of the piano are easy to operate.

Does music improve memory?

Music has been found to stimulate parts of the brain, and studies have demonstrated that music enhances the memory of Alzheimer’s and dementia patients, including a study conducted at UC Irvine, which showed that scores on memory tests of Alzheimer’s patients improved when they listened to classical music.

What is a peripatetic music teacher?

Private, visiting and peripatetic music teachers provide instrumental, vocal and music training for children and adults of all ages.

What do elementary music teachers do?

Elementary music teachers usually teach general music classes, in addition to instructing students in singing, reading music, playing instruments or music appreciation.

How can I make music lessons more fun?

Teaching music through games is more fun!

  • Let your positive attitude shine through.
  • Incorporate practical engagement.
  • Keep boredom at bay by using a variety of tasks.
  • Teach music your students like and can relate to.
  • Technology is the twenty-first-century teacher’s best friend.

1 thought on “List of Music Schools in Namibia 2024-2025”

  1. I would like to enroll my daughter in choir or singing/Music school
    so I m looking where she can trained more and grow bigger,
    the duration how does it work the fees all information that’s needed



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