List Of Military Science Schools In Namibia 2024-2025

List Of Military Science Schools In Namibia 2024-2025

List Of Military Science Schools In Namibia

What Is Military Science?

Military science is the study of military processes, institutions, and behavior, along with the study of warfare, and the theory and application of organized coercive force. It is mainly focused on theory, method, and practice of producing military capability in a manner consistent with national defense policy.

These Are Some Of Military Science Schools In Namibia

Military School, Osona Base

Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST)

University of Namibia

Frequently Ask Questions

What is military science and technology?

Outline of military science and technology. Military science – study of the technique, psychology, practice and other phenomena which constitute war and armed conflict.

What is the course of military?

Bachelor of Science in General Engineering and Military Tactics. Bachelor of Science in Military Leadership. Bachelor of Science in Military Engineering. Bachelor of Science in Naval System Engineering.

What is the main purpose of the military in Namibia?

The purpose of the military is not to kill people and break things. While sometimes it must break, it must always guard. While sometimes it must kill, it must always keep. In all things, in all tasks, beyond any debate, the military’s purpose is to serve and protect America.

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Why is technology important in the military?

Technological superiority underpins our national military strategy, allowing us to field the most potent military forces by making best use of our resources, both economic and human. It is essential for the United States to maintain superiority in those technologies of critical importance to our security.

What can you do with a military science degree in Namibia?

  • Agricultural and Food Scientists.
  • Archivists.
  • Chemical Technicians.
  • Correctional Officers.
  • Curators, Museum Technicians, and Conservators.
  • Environmental Science and Protection Technicians.
  • Epidemiologists.
  • Historians.

Does everyone in the military go to war?

Everyone in the military has to be ready to go to war if you are called. However even and engineer preforming his duties on a ship doing maintenance is something we need. That would be your job throughout even in a time of war. You may be on a ship in a war zone, but will not personally be involved in fighting.

How is chemistry used in military?

Chemists conduct and advise on research having military and/or medical application, such as protection of personnel from chemical, biological, and radiological agents; development, handling, and use of improved petroleum and synthetic fuels and lubricants; and, purification and control of atmosphere, as on nuclear .

Why can’t you quit the military?

You can’t just quit the Army once you are on active duty. You are contractually obligated to remain in service for the period to which you committed. But soldiers are discharged from duty early due to physical or psychological inability to perform duties, for drug abuse, misconduct, and other infractions.

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Can you get discharged from the military for depression?

In the military’s scheme of things, serious disorders such as major depression, anxiety or schizophrenia may be grounds for medical discharge or retirement, usually depending on their severity and amenability to treatment.

Do you still get paid after you leave the military?

Active duty military members can retire after 20 years of active duty service. In exchange, they receive retirement pay for life. Every member’s retirement pay differs to some degree based on length of service and rank.

What happens if you fail basic training?

During this time, the failed recruit will spend their days performing basic cleaning and maintenance chores. If they refuse, they will be prosecuted. If their mental state poses a risk to themselves or others, they will be hospitalized.

Are military benefits for life in Namibia?

Receive a defined benefit, which is a monthly pension for life that’s calculated based on your highest 36 months of basic pay and years of service. Receive a lump sum, which is a discounted portion (25 or 50 percent) of your retirement, paid either all at once or distributed annually for up to four years.

Is 20 years in the military worth it in Namibia?

Life in the military isn’t easy, but if you serve long enough the financial rewards, at least, are great. The Namibia military offers very generous pension benefits—after 20 years of service, members can retire with 50% of their final salary for the rest of their lives.

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How much money do you get after the military?

This is sometimes called “basic pay.” Everyone on active duty receives base pay. The amount depends on your rank, and how many years you’ve been in the military. For example, the lowest ranking enlisted member—someone in the paygrade of E-1—with less than two years of service, makes a base pay of $1,681 per month.

Is it possible to fail basic training?

Yes, it is possible to fail basic training. You could go through the trouble of leaving your home, job, family and friends and come back a failure. In fact, this happens to about 15 percent of recruits who join the military every year. Too many recruits I speak to think that it is impossible to fail basic training.

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