List Of Haematology Schools In Namibia

List Of Haematology Schools In Namibia

List Of Haematology Schools In Namibia

List Of Haematology Schools In Namibia

What is Haematology in Medicine?

Hematology is the branch of medicine concerned with the study of the cause, prognosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases related to blood.

List Of Haematology Schools In Namibia

University of Namibia

Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST)

Frequently Asked Questions​​​​ (FAQs).

What education is required to be a hematologist in Namibia?

In order to become a hematologist, students are entailed to complete four years of medical school, three years of residency to glean vital hands-on experience in a specialized area such as pediatrics or internal medicine, and learn diverse aspects of patient care.

What qualifications do you need to be a haematologist in Namibia?

You’ll typically need at least two or three A-levels including science subjects and a good spread of GCSEs at A-C grade to apply for the NHS Practitioner Training Programme (PTP) by taking an accredited BSc degree in healthcare science (blood sciences).

How long is Hematology residency in Namibia?

Three years of residency to train in a specialized area, such as internal medicine or pediatrics, and learn elements of patient care. Two to four years of fellowship for further training in a subspecialty, such as adult hematology, pediatric hematology/oncology, or pathology.

How do I become a Haematology consultant?

At least a BSc in a relevant subject is required. Most haematologists begin either as trainee biomedical or clinical scientists. After completing at least two years of General Professional Training, specialist training in haematology is necessary. In all this takes five years to complete.

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How many hours do hematologists work?

I work on average about 70–80 hours a week. Some days and weeks are busier than others—for example, when I have clinic or am attending on the hematology service.

Is Hematology a good career path in Namibia?

The career path of hematologists is bright and secured one in India and it is only because of the increase in the number of patients with blood diseases are increasing day by day. Hematologists who are working in the corporate sector receive a lucrative salary between INR 80k and INR 1 lakh per month.

Is Hematology a good specialty?

Hematology as a medical field is of great clinical significance because it runs a wide gamut of blood-related disorders while offering a terrific opportunity to comprehend and thrive in a challenging and diverse area of medicine in which groundbreaking scientific advancements happen every living moment across the globe

What is considered a blood disorder?

Common blood disorders include anemia, bleeding disorders such as hemophilia, blood clots, and blood cancers such as leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma. Talking to your doctor is the first step to take if you believe you may have a blood condition.

Does seeing a hematologist mean I have cancer?

A referral to a hematologist does not inherently mean that you have cancer. Among the diseases a hematologist may treat or participate in treating: Bleeding disorders like hemophilia. Red blood cell disorders like anemia or polycythemia vera.

What is the most common hematology test?

One of the most common hematology tests is the complete blood count, or CBC. This test is often conducted during a routine exam and can detect anemia, clotting problems, blood cancers, immune system disorders and infections.

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Is a haematologist a doctor?

Haematologists are doctors who are experts in blood, including cells already circulating in the blood and those being made in the cell factories of the bone marrow. Many diseases involve blood cells, including anaemias, leukaemias and other bone marrow diseases.

How long does it take to become a doctor in Namibia?

The minimum duration for the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) degrees is six years. The MBChB degrees must be completed within eight (8) years of full-time study unless there is an exceptionally motivated reason.

Does a hematologist treat anemia?

If you appear to have a form of aplastic anemia, your doctor may refer you to a hematologist for a bone marrow biopsy to determine the cause of the anemia. Medications and blood transfusions may be used to treat aplastic anemia. Hemolytic anemia occurs when red blood cells are destroyed in the blood stream.

Is it bad to be referred to a hematologist?

If your primary care physician has recommended that you see a hematologist, it may be because you are at risk for a condition involving your red or white blood cells, platelets, blood vessels, bone marrow, lymph nodes, or spleen. Some of these conditions are: hemophilia, a disease that prevents your blood from clotting.

Why would a doctor refer you to a hematologist?

Reasons include if you have or might have: Anemia, or low red blood cells. Deep vein thrombosis (blood clots) Leukemia, lymphoma, or multiple myeloma (cancers in your bone marrow, lymph nodes, or white blood cells)

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What’s the difference between a hematologist and an oncologist?

Hematology-oncology refers to the combined medical practice of hematology (the study of the blood’s physiology) and oncology (the study of cancer). This type of medicine diagnoses and treats cancerous blood disorders and cancers, and manages symptoms of these diseases and resultant tumors (if present).

Are hematologists in demand in Namibia?

With the growth of the elderly population and an increasing number of new cancer cases, the demand for hematologist/oncologists is on the rise. Yet, as a large number of oncologists retire, a shortage of these specialists is projected by 2025.

Does a hematologist do surgery?

As part of a patient care team, hematologists work closely with surgeons, radiation oncologists and other specialists to help patients understand their diagnosis, develop individualized treatment plans, coordinate aspects of care and provide surgical, chemotherapeutic and immunotherapeutic treatment.

What causes Haematology?

Hematologic cancers, like all malignant disorders, are caused by the uncontrolled division of abnormal cells. These abnormal cells arise from normal cells that have undergone a change, making them unable to respond to normal control mechanisms that limit their growth and division.

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