List Of Drag line Training Schools In Namibia

List Of Drag line Training Schools In Namibia

List Of Drag line Training Schools In Namibia

List Of Drag line Training Schools In Namibia

What is a drag Line?

A dragline excavator is a piece of heavy equipment used in civil engineering and surface mining. Draglines fall into two broad categories: those that are based on standard, lifting cranes, and the heavy units which have to be built on-site.

List Of Drag line Training Schools In Namibia

Immersive Technologies Namibia

RPM Training Namibia

Frequently Asked Questions​​​​ (FAQs).

How do I become a Dragline operator in Namibia?

  1. Earn a high school diploma or GED. Heavy equipment operators need a high school diploma or GED to enter an apprenticeship or technical school.
  2. Enter and complete heavy equipment training.
  3. Earn licenses or certifications.
  4. Obtain a commercial driver’s license.

How long does it take to become a heavy equipment operator?

The Heavy Equipment Operator program is constructed to ensure entry-level operators attain a professional standard in a twelve-week program, followed by a two-week practicum.

Is there a high demand for heavy equipment operators in Namibia?

The life of a heavy equipment operator is one where the demand for your services is expected to remain high. BYF anticipates heavy equipment operators will be one of the five construction craft jobs in the highest demand, with a need for more than 600,000 heavy equipment operators across the United States through 2022.

How much does a dragline operator make in Namibia?

An experienced Dragline Operator with 10-19 years of experience earns an average total compensation (includes tips, bonus, and overtime pay) of $22.00 based on 4 salaries. In their late career (20 years and higher), employees earn an average total compensation of $21.

What qualifications do you need to be a excavator operator?

There is no specific legal requirement to hold a certificate to drive an excavator / digger or dumper, on construction sites or elsewhere. However to comply with Health and Safety legislation in construction all operators should be trained and competent to operate the equipment that they are using.

How does a drag line work?

A large excavator uses a dragline to pull a bucket by a wire cable. The operator lowers the bucket down to material that is supposed to be excavated. The operator than draws the cable so that the bucket gets dragged along the ground surface and digs into the material.

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How does a person prepare for a career as a heavy equipment operator?

There are three ways to become a heavy equipment operator. Individuals can complete a union apprenticeship, a state apprenticeship program or go to a college or technical school. Apprenticeship programs provide classroom and on-the-job training with approved companies and generally take 3 to 4 years to complete.

How deep can a dragline dig?

Use for: Deep pile driving, harbor construction, surface mining, deep excavation, road excavator and under-water operations. Pros: Dragline excavators have a digging depth of 65 meters (213 feet) or more. Cons: Its large size and inflexible system make it only useable for specific jobs.

Are draglines still used in Namibia?

Draglines, unlike most equipment used in earth-moving, have remained relatively unchanged in design and control systems for almost 100 years. Over the last few years, some advances in dragline systems and methodologies have occurred.

What is the biggest dragline in the world?

Standing 22 stories tall and weighing 13,500 metric tons, Big Muskie was the world’s largest dragline and the biggest machine that has ever walked on the face of the earth. With the boom down, it was almost 500 ft in length. Big Muskie was a coal mining Bucyrus-Erie dragline owned by the Central Ohio Coal Company.

Where is Big Muskie now?

Shut down in 1991, “Big Muskie” was finally dismantled for scrap in 1999. The only component saved was the bucket, which was later incorporated into a display about the machine and surface mining and reclamation in Miners Memorial Park in McConnelsville, Ohio.

What are draglines spiders?

All spiders make so-called dragline silk that functions in part as a lifeline, enabling the creatures to hang from ceilings. … A dragline strand is several times stronger than steel, on a weight-for-weight basis, but a spider’s dragline is only about one-tenth the diameter of a human hair.

How do draglines move?

Dragline buckets are enormous machines that can move many tons of dirt, rock, and overburden. The system consists of a large bucket suspended from a boom that is moved by the pulley system. The hoisting rope, which hoists the bucket from the boom. The drag cable then draws the bucket system horizontally.

Who is a dragline operator?

Moves controls to position boom, lower and drag bucket through material, and release material at unloading point. Directs workers engaged in placing blocks and outriggers to prevent capsizing of machine when lifting heavy loads.

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How big is a dragline bucket?

It had the world’s largest dragline bucket, 220 cubic yards. For a publicity stunt, the coal company once parked a D-9 Caterpillar inside of its bucket. On another occasion, they parked five large pickup trucks side by side inside of its bucket.

What is a power shovel?

Power shovel, digging and loading machine consisting of a revolving deck with a power plant, driving and controlling mechanisms, sometimes a counterweight, and a front attachment, such as a boom or crane, supporting a handle with a digger at the end.

Why was the silver spade scrapped?

Its members wanted the shovel as a centerpiece for a planned strip mining museum. They believed that when Silver Spade ate its way through the last available eastern Ohio coal, it would haul itself out of its pit, turn off its engine, and settle into retirement as a tourist attraction.

Where does mountaintop mining occur?

Mountaintop removal is a relatively new type of coal mining that began in Appalachia in the 1970s as an extension of conventional strip mining techniques. Primarily, mountaintop removal is occurring in West Virginia, Kentucky, Virginia and Tennessee.

What is overburden mining?

Overburden (also called spoil or waste) is the topsoil lying above the minerals being mined. The overburden is removed and stockpiled for return to the mine pit when mining is complete.

In which country was the largest single bucket digging machine created?

The Bagger 288 was built for the job of removing overburden before coal mining at the Hambach surface mine in Germany. It can excavate 240,000 tons of coal or 240,000 cubic metres of overburden daily – the equivalent of a soccer field dug to 30 m (98 ft) deep.

What is the big muskie bucket?

“Big Muskie” was once the World’s Largest Earth Moving Machine. What remains today is a monstrous metal bucket, vaguely resembling a robot dog head. The bucket sits on a rise, overlooking the beautiful valley that it once mined and destroyed, which has been renamed “Re-Creation Land.”

What is a power shovel used for?

A power shovel (also stripping shovel or front shovel or electric mining shovel or electric rope shovel) is a bucket-equipped machine, usually electrically powered, used for digging and loading earth or fragmented rock and for mineral extraction.

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How much does the Big Muskie Bucket weigh?

Weight: 27 million lbs., or 13,500 tons. Bucket Capacity: 220 cubic yards, 325 tons (12 car garage).

Where is the silver spade now?

The Silver Spade is removing overburden for CONSOL Energy (formerly Consolidation Coal Co.) at its only surface coal mine, located in Mahoning Valley in eastern Ohio, near Cadiz.

Can Spider Silk stop a bullet?

Ultra-strong spider silk, one of the toughest known natural fibers, could one day protect soldiers on the battlefield from bullets and other threats, one company says. For soldiers in particular, spider silk could provide a new type of protection beyond than the traditional, solid Kevlar vest.

Can a spider web hold a human?

SYDNEY, Sept. 2 (Xinhua) — European scientists have made spiders produce webs strong enough to hold a human, the Sydney Morning Herald reported Thursday. The composite material is five times stronger than spider silk.

Is Spider silk flammable?

Advertisement: A bit of Artistic License — spider silk does shrivel quite rapidly when exposed to intense heat (so yes, a flamethrower can clear out cobwebs), but it doesn’t actually burn, much less cause the pyrotechnics that people have come to expect in fiction.

Are there mines in mountains?

Mountaintop removal mining (MTR), also known as mountaintop mining (MTM), is a form of surface mining at the summit or summit ridge of a mountain. In the United States, this method of coal mining is conducted in the Appalachian Mountains in the eastern United States.

What is a steam shovel called today?

A large, usually mobile earthmoving machine having a boom and a hinged bucket for excavating. Also called steam shovel.

Is mountaintop removal legal?

According to federal government estimates, mountaintop removal coal mining has damaged or destroyed more than 2,000 miles of streams in four central Appalachian states, including Virginia and Tennessee. Amazingly, these mining practices by-and-large have been allowed under current laws.

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