List Of Distance Learning Schools In Namibia 2024-2025

List Of Distance Learning Schools In Namibia 2024-2025

List Of Distance Learning Schools In Namibia

What is Distance Learning?

Distance education, also called distance learning, is the education of students who may not always be physically present at a school.

Traditionally, this usually involved correspondence courses wherein the student corresponded with the school via post. Today, it involves online education.

Overview of Distance Education in Namibia

Open learning through distance education has come to be accepted
as a well-recognised mode of education and training relevant to, and necessary for meeting the emerging demands of the Namibian society.

Areas until now unreached by the conventional education system are gradually being taken care of by the open learning system in Namibia.

Namibia Open and Distance Learning (ODL)

Even before independence in 1990, it was recognised that Open and Distance Learning (ODL) has the potential to address Namibia’s educational and training needs in a cost-effective manner.

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ODL has the flexibility to accommodate varying levels of enrolment and the capacity to reach out to all corners of the country.

To implement ODL activities at both pre-tertiary and tertiary level in the Namibian public sector, four publicly-funded institutions provide ODL programmes: the Centre for External Studies at the University of Namibia (UNAM-CES), the Centre for Open and Lifelong Learning at the Polytechnic of Namibia (PoN-COLL), the Namibian College of Open Learning (NAMCOL) and the National Institute for Educational Development (NIED).

List of Distance Learning Schools in Namibia

UNAM Centre for External Studies


Centre for Open, Distance & eLearning UNAM

NUST Centre for Open and Lifelong Learning

Centre for Open and Lifelong Learning (COLL)

Namibian College of Open Learning (NAMCOL)

The National Institute for Educational Development (NIED)

Namibia Evangelical Theological Seminary (NETS) Distance Education

Open and Distance Education in Namibia – Leeds Trinity University

IOL – The Institute for Open Learning

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

In relation to distance education in Namibia, here are questions asked most often by students;

How does distance education work in Namibia?

Distance Learning / Correspondence is the mode of study in which a student is not required to visit their college or institute. Students attend classes online or study via materials delivered to their homes via post.

What are the types of distance education in Namibia?

Here are some forms of distance education in Namibia

  • Distance Education via Video Conferencing.
  • Synchronous and Asynchronous Distance Education.
  • Open Schedule Online Courses.
  • Hybrid Distance Education.
  • Computer Based Distance Education.
  • Fixed Time Online Course.

Is distance learning as effective as school education?

Most original research focuses on student outcomes (grades, test scores), student attitudes, and overall student satisfaction toward distance education. Moreover, most of these studies conclude that distance education compares favorably with classroom-based instruction.

What is the disadvantages of distance education?

Lack of interaction with professors and students is one of the biggest drawbacks of distance learning. This is true because taking online classes from home makes you feel isolated. However, you can overcome that by enrolling with your colleagues so that you can join workmates in online classes.

How good is distance education in Namibia?

There are many obvious advantages in using distance education such as: If a student works full-time or has limited access to an institution he or she can easily access the class anytime and virtually from anywhere. No commute, fighting for parking spots, & less time away from home.

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What does distance education mean?

Distance learning, also called distance education, e-learning, and online learning, form of education in which the main elements include physical separation of teachers and students during instruction and the use of various technologies to facilitate student-teacher and student-student communication.

Why is distance learning better in Namibia?

The top benefit of distance education is its flexibility. Students can choose when, where, and how they learn by selecting the time, place, and medium for their education.

Who benefits from distance learning?

Students who had otherwise busy schedules now have much more time available to them due to the closing of school activities. Distance learning forces a student to understand the best ways they learn and implement those ways at the best times.

How can I improve my distance learning in Namibia?

  • Check in with your students regularly.
  • Help your students’ families get connected.
  • Choose tools that are mobile-friendly and/or can be used offline.
  • Provide a balance of asynchronous and synchronous lessons.
  • Double down on project-based learning.
  • Maintain extracurricular communities.

Is there an age limit for Open University in Namibia?

An Open University student must normally be aged 16 or over by the start date of the module for which they wish to enroll or register.

Is learning online effective in Namibia?

Online learning is certainly the more effective option for students, but it’s also better for the environment. It has been found that online courses equate to an average of 90% less energy and 85% fewer CO2 emissions per student than traditional in person courses.

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Is online learning better than school?

Online learning is certainly the more effective option for students, but it’s also better for the environment.

Is online learning better than classroom?

Online learning can be as good or even better than in-person classroom learning. Research has shown that students in online learning performed better than those receiving face-to-face instruction, but it has to be done right.

Can students learn online in Namibia?

Online courses provide opportunities for students. Students in a school that doesn’t offer statistics classes may be able to learn statistics with virtual lessons.

Here are list of schools offering online education to students

  • UNAM Centre for External Studies
  • NUST Centre for Open and Lifelong Learning
  • Centre for Open and Lifelong Learning (COLL)
  • Namibian College of Open Learning (NAMCOL)
  • The National Institute for Educational Development (NIED)
  • Namibia Evangelical Theological Seminary (NETS) Distance Education
  • Open and Distance Education in Namibia – Leeds Trinity University
  • IOL – The Institute for Open Learning

How can I prepare distance learning at home?

Here are few tips to prepare for online learning at home.

  • Create a learning space.
  • Make a schedule and stick to it.
  • Reduce distractions.
  • Use a calendar and color-code it.
  • Get plenty of exercises.
  • See which accessibility features help with your study.
  • Reach out to your virtual lecturers.

1 thought on “List Of Distance Learning Schools In Namibia 2024-2025”

  1. My child has to re-do grade 10, what are my online options?


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