List Of Diamond Training Schools In Namibia

List Of Diamond Training Schools In Namibia

List Of Diamond Training Schools In Namibia

List Of Diamond Training Schools In Namibia

What is a Diamond?

Diamond is a solid form of the element carbon with its atoms arranged in a crystal structure called diamond cubic. At room temperature and pressure, another solid form of carbon known as graphite is the chemically stable form of carbon, but diamond almost never converts to it.

List Of Diamond Training Schools In Namibia

Namibia Diamond Trading Company

Frequently Asked Questions​​​​ (FAQs).

What is Gemology?

Gemology or gemmology is the science dealing with natural and artificial gemstone materials. It is a geoscience and a branch of mineralogy. Some jewelers are academically trained gemologists and are qualified to identify and evaluate gems.

How many years does it take to become a gemologist?

The most comprehensive degrees, such as Graduate Gemologist, generally require you to take five classes and three hands-on labs over the course of your training. These degrees usually take around a year to complete. Less intensive certification programs can usually be completed over the course of several months.

Do you need a certificate to sell diamonds in Namibia?

You can sell a diamond ring without a certificate or grading report. So without having a certificate, your diamond ring will likely be worth significantly less. If you are looking to receive more money, then your best chances are to have your diamond graded and certified.

Is it hard to become a gemologist?

The length of training required to become proficient depends on the difficulty of the specialty, but often lasts at least a year. Training usually focuses on casting, setting stones, making models, or engraving. In manufacturing, some jewelers advance to supervisory jobs, such as master jeweler or head jeweler.

How do you become a gemologist in Namibia?

To become a gemologist, you must attend a gemological course for certification at an institute or school. The International Gem Society (IGS) offers certification classes for aspiring gemologists around the world. Other schools offer on-site work to practice in a laboratory.

Do gemologists make good money in Namibia?

Most gemology jobs can begin at salaries of $30,000 per year. Depending on the specific position and job location, some may reach six figures for people with additional experience.

What is a diamond made of?

Diamonds are made of carbon so they form as carbon atoms under a high temperature and pressure; they bond together to start growing crystals.

How long does it take to become a diamond cutter?

Apply to the diamond-cutting certification program of your choice. Institutions may vary in their course schedule and tuition rates, but diamond-cutting certification programs usually span from seven to 20 weeks.

What is stone diamond?

Diamond, the most famed and fabled of all gemstones, is very unique in many ways. Renowned for being the hardest substance on earth, its sparkling fire, durability, and rarity make Diamond the most prized of all gems. Most Diamonds used as gemstones are colorless or very faintly colored.

Can a jeweler tell if a diamond is real?

With a 1200x magnification on a power microscope, a jeweler or gemologist is able to scrutinize the stone in detail. At this level of magnification, they’ll be able to see inclusions and small differences in real diamonds compared to moissanite.

Where do real diamonds come from?

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Diamonds were first discovered and mined in India over 2,400 years ago. Over time, diamonds were found in many other areas around the world, including many in Africa. In today’s trade, Africa, Russia, Australia, and Canada produce the most diamonds.

What Stone is the rarest?

Ten Gemstones Rarer than Diamond

  • Tanzanite.
  • Burma Ruby.
  • Jadeite.
  • Alexandrite.
  • Paraíba Tourmaline.
  • Ammolite.
  • Kashmir Sapphire.
  • Natural Pearl.

What is the rarest gem?

Painite was first discovered by British gemologist Arthur Charles Davy Pain in 1951 and recognized as a new mineral in 1957. For many years only one specimen of the dark red crystal was in existence, housed at the British Museum in London, making it the world’s rarest gemstone.

What is 1 carat diamond worth in Namibia?

Between $1,300 and $16,500Price of 1 Carat Diamonds

The price of a 1 carat diamond is between $1,300 and $16,500, depending on factors such as the diamond’s cut quality, clarity, color and shape.

What’s another word for diamond?

In this page you can discover 67 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for diamond, like: crystal, brilliant, sparkler, rock, glass, ice, jewel, diamond chips or flakes, gem, precious-stone and corundum.

Do diamonds have powers?

Diamonds have many healing powers as they strengthen and re-energize all the energy centers of the wearer. Hindus in the ancient times strongly believed that the vibrations of a diamond render a very positive aura to many organs of the body and brain and heart in particular.

Why is a diamond so valuable?

The earliest recorded cultures used diamonds to portray strength, the value of love, and even instruments of magic. That value is likely due to a diamond’s natural strength and unique visual appearance in combination with its relative rarity. Even a low-grade gem-quality diamond is still a thing of value and beauty.

Is pure diamond poisonous?

Well, diamond is not poisonous. It is the hardest matter known from mankind. When swallowed, it scars all the internal walls of your intestines and oesophagus causing massing internal bleeding, and thus death.

How rare is a diamond?

Diamonds are not particularly rare. In fact, compared to other gemstones, they’re the most common precious stone found. Generally, the cost per carat (or weight of a gemstone) is based upon a stone’s rarity; the rarer the stone, the more expensive.

How can you tell a raw diamond?

Put the diamond under the loupe or microscope and look for rounded edges that have tiny indented triangles. Cubic diamonds, on the other hand, will have parallelograms or rotated squares. A real raw diamond should also appear like it has a coat of vaseline over it. Cut diamonds will have sharp edges.

What Rocks are diamonds found in?

Diamonds are known to be carried to the earth’s surface in only three rare types of magmas: kimberlite, lamproite, and lamprophyre. Of the three types, kimberlites are by far the most important, with several hundred diamondiferous kimberlites known.

How long does it take to make a diamond?

Due to the immense pressure that is present in this part of the earth, as well as the extreme temperatures, a diamond gradually begins to form. The entire process takes between 1 billion and 3.3 billion years, which is approximately 25% to 75% of our earth’s age.

What’s better than a diamond?

Diamonds are one of the most valuable precious stones around, but not because diamonds are especially rare. In fact, high-quality emeralds, rubies, and sapphires are all rarer in nature than diamonds.

Is Ruby more expensive than diamond?

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Are Rubies More Expensive Than Diamonds? Although some rubies are incredibly valuable and can command very high prices, most rubies are considerably less expensive than diamonds of the same size. This lower pricing makes a ruby an appealing alternative to a diamond for an engagement ring or other jewelry.

Is Opal worth more than diamond?

Opals are both more durable and rarer than most people think; Australian opals even more so. Many types of opal are even more rare than diamond and will only get rarer due to being found in only 1 or 2 places on Earth.

Which Diamond is best?

Best diamond color based on GIA standards

According to that GIA standard, the “best” diamond color is D. (Read more about D color diamonds here.) D color diamonds are the equivalent of IF or FL grade diamonds on the clarity scale — they’re very rare, and their price definitely reflects that.

Which Diamond is costly?

The most expensive diamond in the world is none other than the Kohinoor diamond, an incredible gem of exquisite beauty. ‘Kohinoor’ means ‘Mountain of Light’ in Persian and weighs in at 105 carats with a weight of 21.6 grams.

Is it true that diamonds are worthless?

Diamonds are intrinsically worthless: Former De Beers chairman (and billionaire) Nicky Oppenheimer once succinctly explained, “diamonds are intrinsically worthless.” Diamonds aren’t forever: They actually decay, faster than most rocks. Diamonds can bring injury: Yes, the diamond trade creates jobs.

Is Sapphire rarer than diamond?

In nature diamonds are rare, but not so in the gem world. Gem-quality corundum is quite a bit rarer, consisting of only a percent or so of all the corundum found. The most common of the gem grade corundum is blue sapphire. Sapphire comes in every color of the rainbow and the other colors are rarer than the blues.

Is a diamond a gem?

A gem is simply a hard substance, commonly a mineral, which has been cut and polished. Thus, yes, a diamond is a gem! The hardness of diamonds makes them very suitable gemstones. A diamond can only be scratched by another diamond; this scratch resistance makes them popular for everyday wear.

Is a one carat diamond big?

Remember, carats are actually a measure of weight, not size, so the measurements of a 1 carat diamond will differ from stone to stone. But if we’re talking about your average round brilliant, they’re going to land somewhere in the region of 6.5mm diameter. Or about 1/4 inch.

Is diamond a good investment?

Are diamonds a good investment? On paper, diamonds make great investment sense. They have high intrinsic value, they’re always in demand and they last forever – plus, they’re small, portable and easy to store (unlike that priceless Ming vase you just had to have at auction).

How much is a 2 carat diamond cost?

How Much is a 2 Carat Diamond? The price of a 2 carat diamond can vary depending on its shape, cut quality, clarity, color and a range of other factors. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $5,000 to $60,000 or more for a 2 carat diamond.

Why diamond is expensive than gold?

Since the value of gold is predictable and stable, gold has more value than diamonds. Natural diamonds are created when carbon is subjected to extreme pressure over millions of years. Only a highly prized diamond, like a very large stone or an unusual color, will hold its value or become more valuable over time.

What is the most expensive metal on earth?


Palladium is the most expensive of the four major precious metals – gold, silver and platinum being the others. It is rarer than platinum, and is used in larger quantities for catalytic converters.

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Is Ruby higher than gold?

Traditional manifestations. Jubilees have a hierarchy of years: silver (25 years), ruby (40 years), golden (50 years), diamond (60 years), and platinum (70 years). Wedding anniversaries extend the jubilee hierarchy with various sequences of substances filling in many of the gaps between the same major milestones.

How can you tell a real ruby from a fake?

Use the ruby to scratch a hard and yet smooth surface, such as a piece of glass. If there is a streak of red color left behind on the surface, then it is clear that your stone is a fake. A real ruby will never leave color in that way.

How much do real rubies cost?

Fine-quality rubies are some of the most expensive gemstones, with record prices over $1,000,000 per carat. However, rubies are also subjected to more treatments than almost any other gem.

Are rubies a good investment?

Coloured rubies are among the safest gemstone investments. They are seen by collectors to hold their value and market demand better than diamonds, especially as they become rarer.Rubies often have inclusions, so colour is a more important factor in the value of a stone than clarity.

How can you tell a good quality ruby?

The finest ruby has a pure, vibrant red to slightly purplish red color. In most markets, pure red colors command the highest prices and ruby with overtones of orange and purple are less valued. The color must be neither too dark nor too light to be considered finest quality.

Is it a ruby or garnet?

Red garnets can have hints of orange or pink while rubies are vivid red with occasional purple or blue secondary hues. See the rainbow. Position the gemstone in a light until you can spot its spectrum reflected in the stone. If you see two rainbows with no yellow or green bands, you’re likely looking at a ruby.

Are African rubies valuable?

African rubies fill the void left by Burmese rubies with their flashes of rich red. Higher in value than sapphires or emeralds, and often more valuable than diamonds, the most coveted rubies have traditionally emerged from the ancient Mogok mines in Upper Burma, or Myanmar.

Are African rubies real?

African rubies are usually purplish to dark red in color and come in a variety of sizes and quality ranging from opaque to translucent to transparent. Usually African rubies are very much included and are cut en cabochon.

What is AAA 5 Diamond?

The AAA Five Diamond Award is an independent hotel appraisal system rewarded by the AAA (American Automobile Association) to hotels in the U.S., Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean. It can be compared to the 5 Star hotehotel classification system, known in Europe and other parts of the world.

What is AAA quality?

AAA – “AAA” grade is assigned to a gemstone that is considered to “being near perfect.” Though these stones do show some variation in colour, they are clean, well cut and polished. AAA quality gemstones are the most sought out precious stones, for the cut is perfect and the colour is vibrant.

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