List of Art Schools in Namibia 2024-2025

List of Art Schools in Namibia 2024-2025

List of Art Schools in Namibia

What is an Art School?

An art school is an educational institution with a primary focus on the visual arts, including fine art, especially illustration, painting, photography, sculpture, and graphic design.

Art schools can offer elementary, secondary, post-secondary, or undergraduate programs, and can also offer a broad-based range of programs (such as the liberal arts and sciences).

Overview – Art Schools in Namibia

There have been six major periods of art school curricula, and each one has had its own hand in developing modern institutions worldwide throughout all levels of education. Art schools have also created a variety of non-academic skills for many students as well.

There have been six definitive curriculum throughout the history of art schools. These include “Apprentice, Academic, Formalist, Expressive, Conceptual, and Professional”. Each of these curricula have aided not only the way that modern art schools teach, but how students learn about art as well.

Art schools began being perceived as legitimate universities in the 1980s. Before this, any art programs were used purely as extracurricular activities, and there were no methods of grading works.

After the 1980s, however, art programs were integrated into many different kinds of schools and universities as legitimate courses that could be evaluated.

While some argue that this has weakened creativity among modern art students, others see this as a way to treat fine arts equally in comparison with other subjects.

Here are listed Art Schools in Namibia

College of The Arts (COTA)

UNAM Visual and Performing Arts

COSDEF Arts and Crafts Centre Namibia

Art Stop Namibia

Frequently Asked Questions

In regards to art schools in Namibia;

How much does it cost for art school in Namibia?

With the cost of fees and tuition combined, the average net cost of attending art school is  N$42,000. It’s critical that students take these additional fees into consideration when they think about how they’re going to finance an art education.

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Hence the fees vary among the art schools in Namibia, contact the school you prefer to be enrolled in for assistance.

What is the hardest art school to get into in Namibia?

There shouldn’t be any fear in you if you satisfy the entry requirements laid by the Namibian art school. After being accepted to study arts, you wouldn’t fear anymore, have confidence and study towards your passion.

Do you need to go to art school in Namibia to be an artist?

Should you have a desire to be an art instructor in K-12 or universities. You need a degree. Depending on your goals with art, you may actually need that expensive piece of paper in order to get hired by an employer or seek post-graduate degrees. Plan accordingly.

But again, to be an artist, display in galleries, sell your own work, do freelance graphic design work etc. you do not need to go to art school or have a degree in art. Most of the time, you just need to prove you know what you’re doing.

What college is good for artists in Namibia?

What schooling do you need to be an artist?

There are few (maybe many) outstanding art schools in Namibia where you can study arts as a career. Below are few listed schools you can lookup for information;

College of The Arts (COTA)

UNAM Visual and Performing Arts

COSDEF Arts and Crafts Centre Namibia

Art Stop Namibia

How many years does it take to be an artist in Namibia?

A Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and a Bachelor of Arts requires 3 and a half or 4 years before completion whiles a Master’s degree requires a student to complete a bachelor’s degree prior to enrollment. A master’s degree at art and design school may take one to three years to complete.

Do you need good grades for art school in Namibia?

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For the most part, the smaller, less well-known art schools will take you with a good enough portfolio. They need the bodies so they won’t care as much about grades.

However, poor grades or SATS will probably eliminate most chances for scholarships. The better schools, however, do care about grades alot.

How much money do artists make in Namibia?

Although the most successful visual artists made more than N$90,050 per year, as of May 2011, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, average wages ran a mean annual N$53,400, which was equivalent to N$25.67 per hour. Annual compensation for the lowest-earning 10 percent was less than N$19,150.

These figures aren’t fixed and are subjected to change depending on the type of artistic job you’re into.

Do artists need college in Namibia?

Qualifications. Although it helps to have some formal arts education to develop your skills, college is only one path. You can also learn by apprenticing yourself to an experienced artist, taking workshops or attending non-credit classes.

What is the difference between art school and college in Namibia?

The most obvious difference between art school and a traditional four-year university is that an art school will focus primarily on an education in the arts while a traditional college will offer a much broader education, with required courses that fall into various subjects.

What are art majors in Namibia?

What is an arts major? An arts major in an interdisciplinary major, weaving together multiple academic subjects like art history, painting, sculpture and photography. Additional areas of study include subjects like the business of visual arts and art therapy.

Is being an artist a good career in Namibia?

Yes!, Being a competent painter/artist isn’t a magic wand. You also need to be able to market yourself and your work. It is possible to make a career as a fine artist.

Why some paintings are so expensive in Namibia?

Some artists manage to achieve this quality and this is when the paintings become expensive. Materials Used and Time Period – The price of a painting might also depends on the time period during which it was created. A painting made in the 16th century is likely to cost much more than art paintings of the modern day.

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How much do fine artists make in Namibia?

A Fine Artist, including a Painter, Sculptor, or Illustrator usually gets an average pay level of between N$40000 – N$60000 based on experience. Fine Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors, and Illustrators will usually earn a pay level of Fifty Three Thousand Two Hundred Namibian dollars every year.

Do I need an art degree to be an artist in Namibia?

Unlike being an engineer or doctor, you don’t need a degree in art to be a fine artist. An art degree doesn’t do much for you unless you’re getting into teaching at certain types of schools.

What skills do you need to be an artist in Namibia?

Here are a few listed necessary skills for a fine artist:

  1. Realistic drawing.
  2. Constructive drawing.
  3. Ability to draw from life.
  4. Drawing from memory and imagination.
  5. Knowledge of art materials and their skillful use.
  6. Knowledge of the rules of perspective.
  7. Knowledge of golden proportions.
  8. Composition skills.

Do you need good grades for art school?

For the most part, the smaller, less well-known art schools will take you with a good enough portfolio. They need the bodies so won’t care as much about grades. However, poor grades or SATS will probably eliminate most chances for scholarships.

What jobs can you get with an art degree in Namibia?

  1. Art Director.
  2. Art Agent/Business Manager.
  3. Art Professor.
  4. Commercial Artist.
  5. Animator.
  6. Interior Designer.
  7. Graphic Designer.
  8. Art Gallery Dealer and alot more career paths with arts degree in Namibia


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