Labour Resource and Research Institute Job Vacancies 2024-2025

Labour Resource and Research Institute Job Vacancies 2024-2025

Labour Resource and Research Institute Job Vacancies 2024-2025

The Labour Resource and Research Institute

The Labour Resource and Research Institute (LaRRI) is a vibrant Namibian based research and education institute committed to the overall political and economic independence of all working people in Namibia and beyond. The institute fights for a fair, just social and economic Namibian society through labour research, education, and lobbying and advocacy.

The institute believes that the nature and scope of labour research is informed by the struggles and experiences of the working people and consequently shaped by their values, principles and their world view. It is no doubt that labour is the primary source of value but many workers continue to be exploited and undervalued. LaRRI was therefore established in 1998 to seek answers to the existing economic and social order with a view to provide alternative developmental agenda in favour of the working class.

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Contact us today or you can visit us at NUNW Center:
(F) +264 (0) 61 212044
(P) +264 (0) 61 217969
Google Address: NUNW Center, next to Katutura Police Station

Work with Us

LaRRI also provides opportunities to talented individuals to be part of our team. We are continually in search of the brightest, most talented individuals from around the globe. You can work with us through one of the following:

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Program Projects

We accept CVs and cover letters via email throughout the year and will take in interns on a needs basis.
Please send your application to

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