Complete Guide on How to Buy A Car in Namibia – Step by Step

How to Buy A Car in Namibia

How to Buy A Car in Namibia

What is a car?

A car is a wheeled motor vehicle used for transportation. Most definitions of cars say that they run primarily on roads, seat one to eight people, have four wheels, and mainly transport people rather than goods. Cars came into global use during the 20th century, and developed economies depend on them.

Where and how to buy a car in Namibia

In Namibia, a few requirements to buy a new car is essentially that you must have bank account. You must have a valid Namibian Driver’s license. A foreigner may have a Namibian registered vehicle in Namibia even if he does not live here.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I buy a car through Namibia bank?

  • Proof of income – copy of your latest salary advice (payslip).
  • Valid identity document or valid passport.
  • Valid driver’s license.
  • Marriage certificate + ANC contract where applicable, if divorced, copy of final order of divorce.
  • Proof of residence.

How do I import a car to Namibia?

  • Cars must not be more than 8 years old and must be Right Hand Drive. …
  • Required documents:
  • Import permit.
  • Passport.
  • Original Bill of Lading.
  • Registration papers.
  • Invoice.
  • Usually taxes and duties ranging between 15% and 30% are due on the value of a vehicle being imported.

Can you import a left-hand drive car into Namibia?

The importation of left-hand drive vehicles into Namibia is prohibited. only make an exception for diplomats. Importations of cars older than 5 years are not allowed.

How do I import a car from SA to Namibia?

Contact Dti/ Customs for an import permit and payment of customs duties. Produce a deregistration certificate/ release document from the country of origin. Produce a bill of entry from the shipping line if from port area. Get the vehicle a roadworthy certificate for registration purposes.

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How do I register my car in Namibia?

  • You will need the following forms
  • Certified copy of acceptable identification (Namibian ID, Namibian drivers license or a NaTIS traffic register certificate)
  • Original vehicle registration certificate.
  • Police Clearance Certificate (valid for 90 days)

Can a Namibian buy a car in South Africa?

Be careful around Sa Vat if buying from a Sa dealer. If they bought it in from a private person & claimed deemed input VAT on 2nd goods in SA , you can only claim the SA VAT back on the dealers markup- ie his profit portion.

What do I need to renew my drivers license in Namibia?

  • Driving Licence Renewal Notice; OR Application for Renewal of Driving Licence form if Renewal Notice is not available.
  • Certified copy of Namibian ID; OR Clear copy of Traffic Register Number Certificate; OR Valid Namibian Driving Licence Card.
  • Expired DL Card:

Can you buy a car without a license in Namibia?

A few requirements to buy a new car (with bank financing) is essentially that you must have bank account. You must have a valid Namibian Driver’s license. You need to have good credit (not on some sort of blacklist) and you need to be employed permanently (at least for the last six months).

At what age can you get your license in Namibia?

The Namibian Road Traffic and Transport Laws requires a learner driver to be 17 years of age before such a person can get a learners licence. This means that since you have a learners licence, you should have mastered the rules of the road and the more than 400 road signs.

Do you need an international driver’s license in Namibia?

The driving licence requirements in Namibia state that you must have a full driving licence that is valid in your country of residence. An international driver’s licence is also required if your driving licence is not in English.

Is it safe to drive from Cape Town to Namibia?

From Cape Town to Namibia, it’s a 1481 km drive. That means you will be passing a variety of little towns over the two provinces you cross to get to the Namibian border. If you drive nonstop, it’s a 15-hour drive, but that’s not comfortable or safe for many drivers to do.

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Can you drive from South Africa to Namibia?

Yes, the driving distance between South Africa to Namibia is 1394 km. It takes approximately 18h 40m to drive from South Africa to Namibia.

How far is Swakopmund from Cape Town?

The distance between Cape Town and Swakopmund is 1307 km. The road distance is 1840.6 km.

How long is the bus from Namibia to South Africa?

The distance between Namibia and South Africa is 986 km. The road distance is 1374.5 km. How do I travel from Namibia to South Africa without a car? The best way to get from Namibia to South Africa without a car is to bus which takes 27h 10m and costs $55 – $120.

How do I get from Cape Town to Windhoek?

The best way to get from Cape Town to Windhoek is to fly which takes 6h 15m and costs R 1 800 – R 4 400. Alternatively, you can bus, which costs R 650 – R 900 and takes 22h 25m.


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