First National Bank (FNB) Namibia Vacancies 2024-2025

First National Bank (FNB) Namibia Vacancies 2024-2025

First National Bank Namibia Vacancies

Registration for all

Easily view vacancies + apply

FNB Namibia Holdings integrated its Human Resources Management System. All returning job seekers who have not yet registered on the new site will be required to do so. We assure you that this will be well worth the effort as you will now be able to view all available vacancies across most of the Group’s franchises and Corporate Centre through a single access point. When you register, you will have to create a password that is easy to remember in case you happen to visit the site often. That will automatically put you on our iRecruitment Front Page where you are required to populate the fields with your information

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If you have applied for a position on our previous Career site, the Recruiter responsible for the vacancy will keep you updated on your vacancy status.

By proceeding to register on the Careers site I acknowledge that I have read and understood

When I apply for a vacancy, I accept that the FNB Namibia Holdings or its nominated Agents, reserve the right to perform various background, reference and other checks, including psychometric assessments that may be required. I accept that by performing these checks that my personal details will be made available to outside parties, and hereby authorise those parties to provide the details to my prospective employer/current employer. I accept that FNB Namibia Holdings and indicated third parties will keep my information confidential and will not share my details with outside companies for marketing purposes.

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FNB careers

How to get it

Take a look at our (FNB)  current vacancies. We might just have what you are looking for. Simply register to view all available vacancies through a single access point.

SEE ALSO:  Uugwanga Insurance Broker Namibia Job Vacancies 2024-2025

——Click here to register for current FNB jobs——

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