Dundee Precious Metals- Contacts – Services and Branches

Dundee Precious Metals- Contacts – Services and Branches

Dundee Precious Metals

The Company is committed to creating shareholder value in a safe and socially responsible manner through a disciplined but opportunistic business model and to maintaining strong financials at all times. Maximizing the value of our existing operating assets through exploration, development and optimizing their operational output is a key component of our strategy. To that end, DPM has assembled and continues to grow a pipeline of mining and processing projects at various stages of development that will ultimately serve to fuel further growth.

Dundee Precious Metals Inc. is a Canadian based, international gold mining company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, development, mining and processing of precious metals.

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DPM’s principal subsidiaries include:

  • Dundee Precious Metals Chelopech (Chelopech), which owns and operates a gold, copper and silver mine located east of Sofia, Bulgaria;
  • Dundee Precious Metals Krumovgrad (Krumovgrad), focused on the development of a gold property located in Krumovgrad in south eastern Bulgaria; and
  • Dundee Precious Metals Tsumeb (Tsumeb), which owns and operates the company’s concentrate processing facility located in Tsumeb, Namibia.


For over 20 years DPM was a closed end fund with 75% of its investments in the gold mining industry. In September of 2003, after an extensive due diligence, DPM acquired two gold assets in Bulgaria: Chelopech, a producing gold mine and Krumovgrad, currently a feasibility stage gold project. With the approval of its shareholders, DPM finalized its conversion into a gold mining company in April of 2004, with the Bulgarian assets as the initial platform for its operating activities.

Contact Details


Dundee Precious Metals Inc.
1 Adelaide Street East
Suite 500, P.O. Box 195
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5C 2V9
Main Line : (416) 365-5191
Fax: (416) 365 9080
Email: info@dundeeprecious.com
Investor inquiriesInvestor.info@dundeeprecious.com
Media and interview inquiriesPublic.relations@dundeeprecious.com
Brand, name, logo usage approvals and inquiriesBrand.standards@dundeeprecious.com


Chelopech Mine

Dundee Precious Metals
Village of Chelopech 2087, Bulgaria
Tel: +359 728 68 226
email: pr@dundeeprecious.com

Krumovgrad Project

Dundee Precious Metals
Krumovgrad EAD
1 Hristo Botev St.
District of Kardzhali
6900, Krumovgrad, Bulgaria
Tel:+359 (0)3641 6803
email: pr@dundeeprecious.com

Tsumeb Smelter

Dundee Precious Metals
Tsumeb (Pty) Ltd
P.O. Box 936
Smelter Road, Tsumeb, Namibia
Tel: +264 6722 34000
email: tsumebcommunications@dundeeprecious.com




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