Details on Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology Vacancies 2024-2025

Details on Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology Vacancies 2024-2025

In april 2008, H.E. the President established the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) by merging the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and the Communication section from the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication. The Ministry of ICT is responsible for the Information Technology, Telecommunications, Broadcasting, media and postal sectors in Namibia.

Latest job vacancies from the MICT can be accessed here

Regional Offices Contacts

Omaheke Regional Office: Gobabis

Tel: +264 62 562519
Fax: +264 62 562503
name: Esther Benjamin

Khomas Regional Office: Windhoek

Tel: +264 61 2832807
Fax: +264 61 225633
name: Hileni Mudhika

Erongo Regional Office: Swakopmund

Tel: +264 64 402763
Fax:+264 64 404075
name: Amos Nguaiko

Kunene Regional Office: Opuwo

Tel: +264 65-273070
Fax: +264 065-273277
name: Malakia Nashongo
name: Lot Shikongo

Kavango East Regional Office: Rundu

Tel: +264 66 255021
Fax: +264 66 255431
name: Johannes Joachim

Kavango West Regional Office: Rundu

Tel:+264 66 264993
Fax: +264 66 264923
name: Beatus Arnat

Zambezi Regional Office: Katima Mulilo

Tel:+264 66-253049
name: Nicholas Chaka

Hardap Regional office:Mariental

Tel: +264 63 242830
Fax:+264 63 242831
name: Treasure Kauzuu

Karas Regional Office : Keetmanshop

Tel: +264 63 223220
Fax:+264 63 222226
name: Mervin Kazapua

Ohangwena Regional Office: Eenhana

Tel: +264 65 264300
Fax: +264 61 263067
name:  Meschtride Mathias

Oshikoto Regional Council : Tsumeb

Tel: +264 67 221984
Fax: +264 67 220924
name: Vaino Mutota

Otjozondjupa Regional Office : Otjiwarongo

Tel: +264 67 304468
Fax: +264 67 304469
name: Christopher Muhapi

Oshana Regional Office: Oshakati

Tel: +264 65 220562
Fax: +264 65 221194
name: Ben Tsuob

Omusati Regional Office: Outapi

Tel: +264 65 251019
Fax: +264 65 250178
name: Don Kaimbi

SEE ALSO:  Namibia Institute of Mining and Technology (NIMT) Vacancies

See Also

List of All Vacancies in Namibia

1 thought on “Details on Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology Vacancies 2024-2025”

  1. I’m looking for a post, I have Higher Diploma and also completed honours degree in Business Information System, majored in Management Information System and Administration,.

    Majored subject:
    Management Information system
    system analysis
    Human resources Management
    Strategic Human resource Management


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