Business School of Excellence Vacancies

Business School of Excellence Vacancies

BSE assists recruiters, corporate clients and organisations to make the correct employment, promotion and employee development decisions at any level in the organisation – whether appointing clerical, administrative, management or professional level employees. Similarly, individuals can assess this service through BSE directly to improve their marketability, employability or self-development. The school-leaver making decisions towards his or her career path can also be greatly assisted through this assessment process.


The Human Job Analysis (HJA) assesses the candidate’s unique behavioural preferences and ranks this personality profile against the ideal behavioural requirements (or personality type) of the job. It provides a list of adjectives describing the ideal behavioural characteristics of the role.

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Personality Profile Assessment (PPA) is a managerial tool designed for recruiting, selecting, training, counselling and team building purposes. It should be used in conjunction with the Human Job Analysis to assess the behavioural traits of candidates and to match these against the prescribed behavioural traits associated with the job. Companies have the opportunity to improve their methods of selecting suitable candidates, so that in future, it will be considerably easier to make the RIGHT choices.

  • Assessments can be done on site to suit the client and can be conducted either electronically or by paper-based medium.
  • Candidate reports can be provided on demand.
  • Reporting includes a personality profile analysis report and a strengths and limitations report.
  • Professional and qualified assessors will guide candidates through the process. The tools are unbiased and system driven.
  • Over the last 15 years, these tools have been used to conduct over four million assessments in 50 countries.

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