David Morrison Bursaries for South Africans

David Morrison Bursaries for South Africans

Are you a compassionate person always willing to care for the health needs of others?
Do you love doing research and finding solutions to difficult situations?
Are you seeking to make a change in the lives of other people?
Then this fund may have a bursary that is suitable for you!
South Africa has a great need for professionals within all fields of the health industry, many of these fields are seen as a scares field and in them the need is even greater. If you have motivation, ambition and a love for your fellow man, then you may just be where you want to be and assistance to complete your life’s goals are within reach.
The world has many career paths to enter and opportunities for the talented students. Health science is no different, yet, it is also a scary place and might not be all you wanted in life. However, with a solid education life becomes a little easier. This fund provides just such opportunities for qualifying students.
If you know that caring for others and helping those that cannot help themselves is the career path you would love to follow, then you may have found your route. To find out what you need to do and which fields are available continue reading below. This bursary offers successful candidates financial assistance to complete their education and enter the workforce prepared.

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There is a variety of fields made available yearly to talented candidates. However, most of their main bursaries will be within the health science and health care fields. Bursaries made available by this fund will be for financial aid and candidates are selected according to academic results and financial need.
There are many fields to consider, here are some that are included for applicants to consider:

  • Virology
  • Fitness Studies
  • Audiology
  • Toxicology
  • Microbiology
  • Biomedical Science
  • Biomedical Technology
  • Heath Care
  • Health Science


As with any other bursary, candidates will have to adhere to the set requirements before applying for a bursary from the David Morrison Fund.
Candidates interested in applying must have and provide the following:

  • Applicants must be South African citizens
  • Applicants must hold a valid ID document
  • Applicants must hold a valid Matric certification
  • Applicants must provide proof of financial need
  • Applicants must provide a copy of parents / guardians ID documentation
  • Applicants must have exceptional academic results
  • Applicants must be proficient in English
  • Applicants must provide a details Curriculum with up to date contact details
  • Applicants must have a letter of acceptance to a University or Institute of Higher Learning
  • Applicants must be able to proof their passion for their choice of study
  • Applicants must attach a short essay on their interests and reason for application
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Applications with recommendation letters are preferred, but not obligatory. Candidates must hold a great passion for working with people, for caring for their mental and physical well-being. Candidates with compassion, empathy, patience and integrity are ideal.


David Morrison bursaries applications online are not made available, candidates may enquire at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, campus career center for an application form. Completed applications must also be returned to this University.
Application inquiries can also be made to:
The Scholarship Office
University of Witwatersrand
Private Bag 3
Please ensure all relevant documentation is certified and accompany your application. The candidate must also sign the application and ensure all fields are completed in full. Candidates will also be able to find out more regarding these bursaries from the Witwatersrand University financial center and campus career center.

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There are at this time no closing date for these bursaries, thus, candidates may submit their applications during the year.

The fields of study made available by this fund are some of the scarce career fields and South Africa is always in need of professionals within these. However, candidates must have a love and need for caring for others as these paths may seem emotionally, as well as physically draining and overwhelming at times.

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