CWAJ Graduate Scholarships for Non-Japanese Women in Japan 2018

CWAJ Graduate Scholarships for Non-Japanese Women in Japan 2018

The College Women’S Association of Japan (CWAJ) is launching Graduate Scholarships for non-Japanese women to study in Japan (NJG). Three scholarships of ¥2.0 million each will be awarded.
Since Its Inception In 1949, The College Women’S Association of Japan (CWAJ) Has Been A Not-For-Profit Volunteer Organization Made Up Of Japanese And Non-Japanese Women With Common Interests And Goals. The CWAJ membership of over 450 women from 30 countries works together in CWAJ ‘s unique Co-Chair system of pairing Japanese and non-Japanese members to head each working committee.
Applicants whose first language is not English are usually required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the University.
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue graduate programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in any of the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: Three Scholarships of ¥2.0 Million each will be awarded.
Number of Scholarships: Three scholarships are available.
Scholarship can be taken in Japan
Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the scholarship:

  • Be non-Japanese, non-permanent resident women who will be enrolled in a degree program with the graduate school of a Japanese university from April 2018 to March 2019.
  • Be residing in Japan at the time of application.
  • Submit an essay in both English and Japanese.
SEE ALSO:  Solomon Islands Government Scholarships for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programme, 2017

The following are ineligible:

  • Holders of scholarships greater than ¥1.5 million from other scholarship programs are ineligible. Financial aid and awards from the university where the applicant will study may not be subject to the same limitation.
  • Former recipients of CWAJ awards and members of CWAJ are ineligible.

Nationality: Non-Japanese women are eligible to apply for this scholarship programme.
Japan Scholarships
How to Apply: Applications should be sent via post. Your application must include all of the following documents (a to e) in one envelope.

  • On the envelope, write clearly “APPLICATION ENCLOSED, NJG PROGRAM”.
  • Any document that is not in English MUST be accompanied by an English translation.
  • No documents will be returned.
  • We suggest that you check each box at the left when you put the documents in the envelope to ensure that you have not omitted any documents.

a) Make 3 complete sets of the application documents (1 original and 2 photocopies). Make single-sided copies only, on A4 paper. Please use paperclips only (no staples). Assemble each set in the following order:
i) Form 1, Completed CWAJ Application.
ii) Form 2, Essay, English and Japanese versions.
iii) Certified Transcripts in English, including transcripts of any transferred credits, from every undergraduate and graduate university you, have attended (past or present), along with an explanation of the marking system. This explanation is crucial for the Selection Committee to properly understand each transcript. If your university has an official document explaining its system, please include it. If not, ask the university to provide a brief explanation or do your best to explain it yourself. Do not send copies of diplomas or certificates of any kind.
b) Two CWAJ Letters of Reference (Form 3), with your name on the envelope and the envelope seal, signed or stamped by the referee.
c) One certificate of university enrolment (zaigaku shomeisho) or other proof of acceptance to or enrolment in a degree program. If you are currently a kenkyusei, also send proof of your status. If you have not yet been accepted to a degree program, indicate when you expect to be notified. Photocopy of a student ID will not be accepted.
d) Two envelopes (12cm x 23.5cm) both addressed with your name and current address in Japan with the postal code and a ¥82 stamp affixed to each envelope.
e) ¥2,000 in teigaku ko-gawase for handling costs. (Obtain it at any Yucho Bank or the banking window of the post office. Do not write anything on it.) No cash or stamps will be accepted.
Application Form
Application Deadline: Applications must be postmarked during the following period: Monday, October 16 through Wednesday, October 25, 2017.
See Also
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