CPUT NSFAS Application Form 2024-2025

CPUT NSFAS Application Form 2024-2025

So you are interested in Applying for the CPUT NSFAS ?, Look no further, below are links to the CPUT NSFAS Application Forms for 2024-2025, as well as links to Other important documents necessary for your CPUT Application in 2024-2025. If you are in need of how to apply for the NSFAS, kindly see CPUT NSFAS Online Application for 2024-2025. It should be noted that applicants are advised to take special care when filling the forms. Double check to ensure that all details are correct, and all documents attached. This is because NSFAS will not be held liable for any missing documents or misinformation, which can greatly reduce your chances of getting approved for the Student Aid. 

The application for this bursary is done online on the NSFAS website, which can be accessed by clicking here. This is where the form is obtained from in case you were wondering ‘where can I get NSFAS application form?’.

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Before accessing the NSFAS Online Application Form however, you will need to create a myNSFAS Account, kindly follow this link to create the account. It will provide you with a platform so you can register and create your profile online.

NSFAS Application Form 2024-2025
NSFAS Application Form 2024-2025

Applicants should note that after creating your myNSFAS Account, changes can be effected easily, such as a contact change or name change. To do this, log into the myNsfas Account with the details provided when you initially opened the account. Visit your profile and effect the changes required. After this click on ” Update Details” to save your new changes.

This process is relatively straight forward, unlike situations where you will want to change a phone number, in this instance, a pin code is sent to the new telephone number you intend using, once confirmation is through, you are done. This is done only once.

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If you are applying for the funding for the first time, you will be required to sign the NSFAS Bursary Agreement form. The process is as simple as clicking on the link that NSFAS will send to your email after you have submitted the application on your account.

Clicking on this link will require you to provide your identification number after which a One Time Pin will be shared on the phone number that you provided on your profile. You will be required to feed the One Time Pin and the other details in the form.

Once you are through, a notification will be sent on your screen to show the Terms and Conditions and that the application has been submitted. This notification means that you have successfully signed the NSFAS Bursary Agreement. If you have not attained the age of 18, your parents or guardian could sign the form for you.

SEE ALSO:  Elangeni FET College NSFAS Application Status


CPUT NSFAS Online Application

CPUT NSFAS Application Form

CPUT NSFAS Application Status

CPUT NSFAS Contact Details

CPUT NSFAS Application Closing Date

List of Other CPUT Bursaries , Loans and Scholarships


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