Cost Of Drilling A Borehole in Namibia 2024-2025

Cost Of Drilling A Borehole in Namibia 2024-2025

What is a Borehole?

A borehole is a narrow shaft bored in the ground, either vertically or horizontally. A borehole may be constructed for many different purposes, including the extraction of water, other liquids (such as petroleum) or gases (such as natural gas), as part of a geotechnical investigation, environmental site assessment, mineral exploration, temperature measurement, as a pilot hole for installing piers or underground utilities, for geothermal installations, or for underground storage of unwanted substances, e.g. in carbon capture and storage.

Overview of Borehole in Namibia

Water Borehole Drilling involves drilling and casing a hole to access groundwater. Two broad classes of water borehole drilling are shallow or unconfined wells completed within the uppermost saturated aquifer at that location, and deep or confined wells, sunk through an impermeable stratum into an aquifer beneath.

How much it cost to drill a borehole in Namibia 2021?

“If we compare these quotes with figures of drillers for private jobs, an average borehole will cost around N$60 000.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Do you need permission to drill a borehole in Namibia?

Landowners have a right to access any water beneath their ground. This means there is no need to acquire planning permission to drill a water borehole, thus making it easy for a developer to install a borehole during a property build process.

How much it cost to drill a borehole?

A borehole installation can cost anything from R60 000 to R100 000, but can cost more depending on how deep you need to drill, the amount of casing used, type of rock that needs to be drilled, ground conditions, equipment and other purpose-for-use related costs.

How much electricity does a borehole use?

How much electricity does a borehole pump use? This depends on the scale of the submersible pump installed but typically a small pump for normal use, e.g. less than 20m3/day abstraction will be very cheap to run.

Is a borehole worth it?

A well-maintained borehole is also a cost-effective, self-sufficient asset. Although initial costs of drilling and equipping may be high, there are long-term financial benefits to groundwater, particularly the fact that borehole water costs significantly less than municipal water.

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How long do boreholes last?

As a general rule of thumb, a properly installed and sized borehole should last 8-10 years. If you have only just installed a borehole, you’re likely to see years of service from your current equipment. This is extendable with good care and frequent maintenance.

Can you drill a borehole anywhere?

As long as there is sufficient space on your site or property to construct the borehole you can just about put a borehole anywhere.

How deep is a borehole?

Drilling a borehole for household use will usually range from about 100 feet to 500 feet deep, but when drilling a new borehole for your home or business, the depth of the well depends on the geology and underground water levels of the area

Can you drink water from a borehole?

Is borehole water safe to drink? On the whole borehole water is safe to drink; however, it could possibly contain dissolved minerals or contamination. If there are concerns over the waters fitness use we can have the water tested by an accredited laboratory that will give a detailed report of the water.

Can boreholes run dry?

Will the borehole dry up? For the borehole to dry up or become affected by lack of water there would have to be a drought for several years.

Do you pay for borehole water?

Although in most cases a municipality will not charge you anything for the water drawn from a borehole, there are considerable costs associated with the sinking of the borehole.

Does borehole pump use a lot of electricity?

How much electricity does a borehole pump use? This depends on the scale of the submersible pump installed but typically a small pump for normal use, e.g. less than 20m3/day abstraction will be very cheap to run.

Are boreholes expensive in Namibia?

Drilling boreholes is a fairly expensive job, but it does still provide a good return on investment in the long-term.

How close can a borehole be to a house?

The borehole should be located at least 50 metres away from any septic tank or associated equipment and soakaway locations. If the property has the benefit of an exemption for the septic tank, this is likely to be one of the conditions of the exemption.

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How do you maintain a borehole?

Keep any hazardous chemicals, such as paint, solvents, pesticides, fertiliser and herbicides, etc., well clear from the borehole. Check the well cover and well cap periodically to ensure that it is in good repair, and take care in working or mowing around the well.

Does borehole water contain chlorine?

Generally, water from boreholes is already of high quality because it has been filtered through many layers of chalk or sand, so it only needs disinfection with chlorine. On the whole borehole water is safe to drink; however, it could possibly contain dissolved minerals or contamination.

How long does borehole water last?

A borehole is an asset that should last 50-80 years, with very low maintenance costs in the first 10-15 years. But for this to happen, you need to make the right decisions at the start of the process and invest wisely for long-term returns.

What is the maximum depth of Borewell?

The deepest known borewells in Bangalore now are at depths of over 1700 feet. Shallower ones exist at 100 feet. In Bangalore’s geology, deep aquifers start in most places at depth of about 100 feet, in the hard rock layer.

How long can I run my borehole pump?

A Properly Sized Borehole Pump Should Last 8 to 10 Years

If there seems to be a problem with your water pump, it could mean the pump is old and needs replacing. It could also mean the pump is undersized, or there are other problems with your water system

How do you check the water level in a borehole?

One of the most common ways to determine if water is located in an area is to drill, sink or dig a borehole and to use level instrumentation to determine the water level. Borehole monitoring may be as simple as taking a measurement with a dip tape to see how far below the surface the water table starts.

How many hours can a submersible pump run continuously?

Like other machines, a sump pump work efficiency depends on its age. With time a pump’s workability will be decreasing. We have to accept the truth. Nowadays, the pump manufacturing company can produce a high-quality pump that can run continuously for almost 20 to 24 hours.



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