Bursaries for Engineering 2018 / 2019

Bursaries for Engineering 2018 / 2019

Engineering is not only for a select few and offers a wide field of study.  Engineering provides professional careers in many industries with boundless opportunities for South African students.  Bursaries are made available to passionately motivated students that are faced with dire financial needs thus cannot complete their qualifications without it.


Choose one of the following links to see a list of Bursaries for your specialisation:

  • Mining Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Metallurgical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering (Light & Heavy)
  • Chemical Engineering (Mineral Process)
  • Metallurgy / Materials BSc Engineering
  • Industrial BSc Engineering
  • Mechanical BSc Engineering (with mechatronics)
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The fields of study that are available can offer students many opportunities, but for a student to be eligible the following criteria will have to be met.

  • You have to be a South African citizen with a valid ID Book / ID Card.
  • You have to prove your need for financial assistance.
  • You have to have an outstanding academic record with approval at an institute of higher learning.
  • You have to be from a previously disadvantaged background.

The possibilities are limitless in these fields of study as there are many companies providing bursaries in these fields each year.

Civil, Electronic, Mechanical, and Mining, Industrial as well as Chemical Engineering offers students a wide variety of work with different companies to look at, thus giving you a life that will never be boring.  There are even opportunities abroad for candidates who have completed their studies and work obligations if it is required by the bursary sponsor.

SEE ALSO:  SMIT Bursary / Scholarship Programme 2017

With any of these Engineering fields there are also possibilities of eventually running your own Engineering Company.  So whether you are into electronics, buildings, mines or materials there are fields of study for all.  Become a productive member of society and rise above your peers to take the lead by studying Engineering.

Your life is yours to life and we all desire happy full lives.  If any of these fields are what you know you want to do then have a look at the bursaries available and make your application.

 Learnerships : Bursaries :

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