Bluebyte Consultants Cc Namibia Vacancies 2024-2025

Bluebyte Consultants Cc Namibia Vacancies 2024-2025

Bluebyte Consultants Cc Namibia Vacancies

About Us

The Bluebyte Consultants  is child born from creative young minds that put a twist on the every-day appeal.  It is dedicated to helping our clients to accomplish their goals. Services offered are:

  1. Application designing(Mobile and Desktop Applications),
  2. Web Application Development,
  3. Web hosting,
  4. Web Application development,
  5. Network Configuration,
  6.  troubleshoot, Trading,
  7.  Training,
  8. IT equipment supplying,
  9. Business Analysis,
  10. Business Process Re-engineering.



  • 081 683 5478
  • 081 219 2746


54 Ongaka Okuryangava Windhoek Namibia

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Apply for available job vacancies here

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