Agricultural Employers Association (AEA) of Namibia Vacancies 2024-2025

Agricultural Employers Association (AEA) of Namibia Vacancies 2024-2025

Agricultural Employers Association (AEA) of Namibia Vacancies 2024-2025

Agricultural Employers Association (AEA) of Namibia Vacancies


The Agricultural Employers’ Association (AEA) is an affiliate of the Namibia Agricultural Union (NAU) and deals purely with labour related issues of the agricultural sector.

The AEA is officially registered as an employers’ organization with the Ministry of Labour and submits audited annual financial statements. The Association’s business is conducted at the head office of the NAU in Windhoek.

The AEA deals with Human Resource Management for commercial agriculture on international, national, regional and Farmers’ Association levels.

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The AEA undertakes wage surveys on a bi-annual basis and provide wage reports with data for decision making on all levels.

The organization developed an HIV/AIDS policy for the commercial agricultural sector and manuals for the practical implementation of the policy is available to the industry.

The AEA is actively involved in the interpretation of the Labour Act and the appliance in the agricultural sector.

The AEA supports initiatives from other organisations to promote access to health care for farm workers as well as education on the prevention of HIV/AIDS.


As an affiliate of the Namibia Employers Federation (NEF), the AEA is represented on the Labour Advisory Council (LAC), the Social Security Commission (SSC)and the Namibia Training Authority (NTA).

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The AEA is a founding member of the Namibia Agricultural Labour Forum
(NALF) that deals constructively with labour related agricultural issues, such as minimum wages and other conditions of employment. Other partners on this forum are the Ministry of Labour, the NNFU, NECFU and NAFWU.

The AEA has representation on a Committee that is headed by the Ministry of Labour & Social Welfare and the ILO on the prevention of Child Labour in Namibia.


The AEA is responsible for the promotion of sound labour relations in the agricultural sector and provides labour advice to its members by means of
telephonic- or email correspondence as well as the weekly NAU news letters.

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The AEA supports agricultural employers by supplying labour management documentation, like pro-forma employment contracts, wage remittance advice, guidelines to disciplinary procedures, attendance registers, SSC forms and certificates to acknowledge the long service of employees etc.

The AEA collects important information regarding labour in the agricultural sector and distributes it to their members.

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