African Guest Researchers Scholarship Programme

African Guest Researchers Scholarship Programme

African Guest Researcher Scholarship Programme:
This research Scholarship Programme is directed at scholars in Africa engaged in research on/about the African continent and with a proven track record of extensive research experience.
The applicant should be placed at or affiliated with an African university or other African research institution.
Women are especially encouraged to apply for these research scholarships.
Applications are invited from scholars with research projects related to current thematic research clusters at the Institute:

  • Agrarian Change, Property and Resources
  • Conflict, Displacement and Transformation
  • Globalization, Trade and Regional Integration
  • Urban DynamicsApplicants are requested to identify within what cluster their project fits best and to motivate the identification.
    Research Scholarship and Facilities
    The Guest Researchers’ scholarship includes a return air-fare (economy class), accommodation, a subsistence allowance of SEK (Swedish kronor) 300 (approx. USD 45) a day plus an installation grant of SEK 2,500 (approx. USD 370), a shared office and free photocopying facilities up to a maximum of 1,000 copies.
    Guest Researchers have access to a computer/MS Word at the office and have to do their own typing.
    The maximum duration of the stay is 90 days. To be entitled to a refund of the travel costs, the Guest Researcher has to stay for at least two months.
    Please note that most academic institutions in the Nordic countries, including the Nordic Africa Institute, are closed or at least running at a reduced capacity during the periods 15 June–15 August and 15 December–15 January.
    Applicants are thus asked not to choose these periods for their visit.
    The Institute’s library is specialized in literature on contemporary Africa and focuses on Social Sciences.
    Guest Researchers also have access to the Uppsala University Library, including their online resources, and to the Library of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

    Application deadline: April every year.For more information and scholarship applications, see: African Guest Researcher Scholarship Programme

SEE ALSO:  The Denys Holland Scholarship at University College London 2017 - 2018

See Also

International Scholarships for Namibians to Study Abroad

Admissions for Universities in Namibia

Prospectus for Universities in Namibia

Application Forms for Universities in Namibia

Bursaries for Namibians and International Students

Internships for Namibians and International Students


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