SPACES Scholarships for Short Term Research in Germany, 2017

SPACES Scholarships for Short Term Research in Germany, 2017

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is offering SPACES Scholarships for Short Term Research. Scholarships are open to very well qualified graduates, doctoral candidates, and postdocs from Namibia and South Africa who want to join one of the SPACES research projects in Germany.
The general objective of the SPACES Programme (Science Partnerships for the Assessment of Complex Earth System Processes) is to develop partnership projects in research and development in the Southern African Region which will contribute to the formulation of science-based recommendations for Earth System Management for the sustainable use of goods and services provided by the system.
DAAD supports the internationalisation of German universities, promotes German studies and the German language abroad, assists developing countries in establishing effective universities and advises decision makers on matters of cultural, education and development policy.
The author of the invitation letter must confirm that the English language skills are sufficient to pursue the research project in Germany. Besides, no other language certificate is required.
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing the research programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of Earth System Management for the sustainable use of goods and services provided by the system.
Scholarship Award: There are three types of scholarships obtainable, all with a research stay ranging between two and six months (between March and December 2017):

  • The first scholarship type is for students wanting to conduct research for their Master’s thesis in Germany. They receive a scholarship with the value of 750 Euro per month, as well as additional benefits such as a flat-rate travel allowance and health and personal liability insurance.
  • Secondly, PhD candidates from Namibia or South Africa who would like to do a part of their PhD research in Germany are supported. The academics that have been granted this scholarship are offered 1.000 Euro per Month, as well as the mentioned additional benefits.
  • The third scholarship granted is for Postdocs wanting to conduct a research project in Germany. They will receive a grant of 2.000 Euro per Month.
SEE ALSO:  University of Birmingham Cadbury Research Fellowship Scheme in UK, 2017

Scholarship can be taken in the Germany

  • Applications are open to very well qualified graduates, doctoral candidates, and postdocs from Namibia and South Africa who want to join one of the SPACES research projects in Germany.
  • Postdocs must have completed their PhD no longer than 4 years ago.

Nationality: Candidates from Namibia and South Africa can apply for this scholarship programme.
College Admission Requirement
English Language Requirement: The author of the invitation letter must confirm that the English language skills are sufficient to pursue the research project in Germany. Besides, no other language certificate is required.
Germany Scholarships
How to Apply:

  • The application procedure occurs online through the DAAD Portal. You are also required to send 1 letter of recommendation by post to the DAAD Headquarter in Bonn, see the address below.
  • Please note that the “Submitting an application” tab in the scholarship database only appears while the current application period is running. After the application deadline has expired, the portal for this programme is not available until the next application period.
SEE ALSO:  JFUNU Scholarships for PhD in Sustainability Science

Application Form
Application Deadline: The application deadline is August 31, 2017.

See List of Scholarships for Namibian Students

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