70 Lithuanian Government Scholarships for Full-Time Master Degree Studies 2024-2025

70 Lithuanian Government Scholarships for Full-Time Master Degree Studies 2024-2025

Up to 70 Lithuanian state grants are available for a full-time Master degree or Integrated studies at Lithuanian higher education institutions for the academic year 2024-2025.
Established in 1922 (re-established in 1989) and ranked as the TOP 700 university in the world (QS World University Rankings),  Vytautas Magnus University is one of the most liberal and modern academic institutions in Lithuania, boasting an exciting history, nurturing and continuing deep-rooted traditions, playing a leading role in not just Lithuanian, but also the entire Baltic and European intellectual and cultural sphere.
In order to be an eligible candidate must have good knowledge of the Lithuanian, English or another language the study programme is conducted in (the minimum B2 level of command of the language of instruction according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

Scholarship Description: 

  • Application Deadline: For the first selection round (deadline: May 2, 2018) and For the second selection round (deadline: July 10, 2018)
  • Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Master degree programme.
    Study Subject: The priority will be given to the candidates who are planning or have already started their full-time Master degree or integrated studies in the Lithuanian language.
  •          For Citizens of Ukraine: the priority will be given to candidates who are planning to study or are already studying:
    •    Biomedical Sciences;
    •    Physical Sciences;
    •    Technological Sciences;
    •    Creative Arts and Design.
  • Scholarship Award: All approved candidates will receive a monthly scholarship of 380 euros for the whole duration of the studies. Only the nationals of the Republic of Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Georgia and foreign citizens of Lithuanian origin for their Full-time Master degree studies will be covered the cost of the studies, up to limit not exceeding national standard study cost.
  • A monthly scholarship and a grant covering the standard study cost is offered for the nationals of the Republic of Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Georgia and foreign citizens of Lithuanian origin (50 grants altogether, 40 of them – to the nationals of Ukraine);
  • A monthly scholarship is offered for the nationals of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Moldova, Japan, the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Korea, the State of Israel (10 grants altogether).
  • Nationality: The funding under the Call shall be provided to the nationals of the Republic of Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Georgia, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Moldova, Japan, the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Korea, the State of Israel and foreigners of Lithuanian origin.
  • Number of Scholarships: Up to 70 grants are available.
  • Scholarship can be taken in Lithuania
SEE ALSO:  Warwick Chancellor’s International Scholarships

Eligibility for the Scholarship: 

Eligible Countries: The funding under the Call shall be provided to the nationals of the Republic of Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Georgia, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Moldova, Japan, the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Korea, the State of Israel and foreigners of Lithuanian origin.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following requirements:

  • Candidate must be a national of one of the following countries: the Republic of Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Georgia, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Moldova, Japan, and the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Korea, and the State of Israel. The foreigner of Lithuanian origin cannot hold the citizenship from one of EU or EEA country.
  • Candidate must hold a bachelor degree.
  • Candidate must have an official letter of acceptance or pre-acceptance for full-time Master degree studies or integrated studies programme from one of the Lithuanian higher education institutions.
  • Candidate must have good knowledge of the Lithuanian, English or another language the study programme is conducted in (the minimum B2 level of command of the language of instruction according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
  • A scholarship can be granted only once. A candidate, who has already got funding under this instrument, will not be eligible.
  • A scholarship cannot be granted to a candidate who is studying or planning to study an international joint degree programme with a part of the studies (as mandatory mobility period) in the candidate’s home country.
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English Language Requirements: Candidate must have good knowledge of the Lithuanian, English or another language the study programme is conducted in (the minimum B2 level of command of the language of instruction according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

Application Procedure: 

How to Apply: A candidate for the Lithuanian State scholarship for a full-time Master degree or Integrated studies should apply through the online application system and enclose the following scanned documents:
For the first selection round (deadline: 2nd of May, 2018):

  1. Personal, contact information (data should be filled via online application system).
  2. A document certifying the level of command of the language of instruction: a document issued by a competent institution (e. g. home institution, host institution, language centre or school, etc.) certifying the minimum B2 level of command of the language of instruction according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
  3. Motivation letter (must be filled via online application system).

Please prepare a motivation letter including the following information:

  1. Describe your experience, achievements which are related to the chosen study programme in Lithuania.
  2. Please explain why you chose the particular study programme and the particular higher education institution in Lithuania.
  3. Please describe how, in your opinion, you will benefit from studies in Lithuania in terms of your future career and personal development.
  4. Please describe, why you are a suitable candidate for the Lithuanian State scholarship.
  5. One recommendation in the Lithuanian, English or Russian language (must be provided through the online application system or added to the application form as an attachment using this format).
  6. For full-time Master degree studies: a copy of the acceptance or pre-acceptance letter issued by a Lithuanian higher education institution certifying that the candidate was admitted to or is studying full-time Master degree study programme, including the candidate’s name, surname, the study programme which the candidate studies and its state code, the candidate’s study period;
  7. ForIntegrated studies programmes: a copy of the confirmation letter issued by a Lithuanian higher education institution certifying that the candidate is studying Integrated study programme, including the candidate’s name, surname, the study programme which the candidate studies and its state code, the candidate’s study period. The confirmation letter issued by the Higher Education Institution should include the information about the number of credits acquired during the 1stcycle of studies (not less than 210 ECTS credits) and should confirm that candidate full-filled all 1st cycle requirements.
  8. for foreigners of Lithuanian origin: applicants have to submit a certificate or another document, proving his/her Lithuanian origin, issued by the Lithuanian community of a respective country or other competent authority (an embassy and similar).
SEE ALSO:  Radboud Scholarship Programme for International Students 2024-2025

Online Application

Scholarship Link

See Also

International Scholarships for Namibians to Study Abroad

Admissions for Universities in Namibia

Prospectus for Universities in Namibia

Application Forms for Universities in Namibia

Bursaries for Namibians and International Students

Internships for Namibians and International Students


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