2024-2025 Welwitchia University Namibia Admission List

2024-2025 Welwitchia University Namibia Admission List

Welwitchia University March Intake Admission List 2024-2025

SEE ALSO:  Welwitchia University Admission List 2024-2025

22 thoughts on “2024-2025 Welwitchia University Namibia Admission List”

  1. When are you going to release the names of those that are applied to Okongo campus 2023 ?

  2. When is the list for March intake will be out,I wrote a test but until now I did receive anything .I don’t know if I’m admitted or not.

  3. Hello it’s been 2 times now am applying to your institute but still haven’t heard from you

  4. I would like to hear when would the names of accepted students by welwichia be established. Coz I applied but yet no response. So what the hell are you bitches watting for then. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

  5. I have applied 2023 march intake but dont know if i am admitted or not. When are the names coming out?

  6. When are the names of the admitted students coming out i applied but still I didn’t hear from you. 2023 march intake

  7. when are the names of the admitted students coming out? i applied but still did not hear from you.

  8. Good day .I would like to acquire more information about the 2023 March intake on how to apply and register.

  9. I don’t know if um admitted or not coz my email is not ok!pls reply while is not late

  10. When are the aptitude results commin out? And how should we enquire the varsity for admission if there isn’t much info to use..?

  11. I got the e-mail too later for writting the aptitude test now what should I do to get second chances

  12. When is the list of admitted students for march 2021 intake coming out

  13. When is the list of admitted students for march 2921 intake coming out

  14. i need the application form for 2021 intake. i want to apply and register please


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