Rhodes University NRF – TWAS Doctoral Scholarships

Rhodes University NRF – TWAS Doctoral Scholarships


The National Research Foundation (NRF) and The World Academy of Science (TWAS) are pleased to announce the NRF – TWAS Doctoral Scholarship and the NRF – TWAS African Renaissance Doctoral Scholarship. This scholarship will support Doctoral scholars from Africa and developing countries with scholarship funding per annum for a maximum of three (3) years to pursue full-time research training in South Africa.

The doctoral scholarships will be awarded under two funding instruments annually as follows:

  • NRF – TWAS Doctoral Scholarship funding instrument: 20 scholars from developing countries outside Africa; and
  • NRF – TWAS African Renaissance Doctoral Scholarships funding instrument: 50 scholars from Africa.
SEE ALSO:  Rhodes University Imraan and Simisha Elias Sustainability

The application deadline is Friday 14 July . Applicants must apply on the NRF Online submission system at: https://nrfsubmission.nrf.ac.za and follow the application process set out in the attached framework document and application guide.

Please refer to the framework document when completing the online application form at every step of the process.

 NRF -TWAS African Renaissance Doctoral Scholarships call Framework Document‌

TWAS Doctoral Scholarships Application and Funding Guide

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Rhodes University NSFAS Application

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