Rapids FM Namibia Job Vacancies 2024-2025

Rapids FM Namibia Job Vacancies 2024-2025

Rapids FM Namibia Job Vacancies

Rapids FM Is a Namibian owned Commercial Broadcasting Radio station that is based in Rundu, the Capital town of the Kavango Regions. It is at the Centre of Kavango East and Kavango West Regions. This radio station broadcasts to a diverse listenership of youth, the young and old. Rapids FM is uniquely positioned in the sense that it effectively broadcasts in all languages spoken in both Kavango Regions.

Since both the Kavango and Zambezi regions in which Rapids FM is licensed to broadcast are border towns and hence accommodate a good number of people from their neighboring countries, the station also prides itself as a SADC station. In view of its SADC characteristic, Rapids FM also broadcasts in Portuguese and Nyemba; languages endemic in the Kavango Regions.

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The local languages covered by Rapids FM in the Kavango Regions are; Rukwangari, Thimbukushu, Gciriku, Rumanyo and Mbunza.


+264 66 256 659 / +264 66 255 858


Erf 423 Joseph haingura Mise Street
Nkarapamwe location,Rundu

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