Bursaries and Scholarships in South Africa Closing in April 2024-2025
A bursary is a monetary award made by an institution to individuals or groups of people who cannot afford to pay full fees. Also Bursaries may be awarded in addition to scholarships where financial need is demonstrated and the prospective student would otherwise be unable to enter the school. Bursaries in south Africa are awarded throughout the year to support student for the next academic year. Below is the list of bursaries and scholarships closing in this month.
Click here for Full List of Learnerships Bursaries Apprenticeships Internship and Traineeships Closing in April 2024-2025
Other Resources
Bursary For SoftwAre Engineering Offered By We Think Code 2024-2025
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See LIST OF ALL Bursaries 2024-2025 IN SOUTH AFRICA Here >>>